Page 41 - Practical Handout bio 2 mnu 2025_Neat
P. 41
Level two – Semester 4 - PharmD Biochemistry-II PB-403 (Practical course) 2024/2025
5. Bile a normal secretion of the gall bladder
Bile salts: Bile pigments
Na and k salts of bile acids bilirubin & biliverdin
(glycocholic and taurocholic acids).
Function: They act as surfactants or Source: Hb (Fe ) upon oxidation
emulsifiers which help in the becomes metHb (Fe ) which
absorption of fat. undergoes degradation into
biliverdin (green) which is
reduced into bilirubin (orange-
Test: Hay s sulfur test Test: Modified Gmelin's test
6. Nitrites & Leukocyte esterase
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Many types of bacteria reduce a normal chemical in urine,
Causes called nitrates, into another chemical, called nitrites.
The presence of leukocyte esterase indicates the presence of
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