Page 41 - Practical Handout bio 2 mnu 2025_Neat
P. 41

Level two – Semester 4 - PharmD      Biochemistry-II PB-403 (Practical course)     2024/2025

                             5.  Bile a normal secretion of the gall bladder


                   Bile salts:                                 Bile pigments

                   Na   and  k   salts  of  bile  acids  bilirubin & biliverdin
                   (glycocholic and taurocholic acids).

                   Function: They act as surfactants or  Source: Hb (Fe ) upon oxidation
                   emulsifiers  which  help  in  the  becomes  metHb  (Fe )  which
                   absorption of fat.                          undergoes        degradation       into

                                                               biliverdin     (green)     which     is

                                                               reduced  into  bilirubin  (orange-


                            Test: Hay s sulfur test            Test: Modified Gmelin's test

                             6.  Nitrites & Leukocyte esterase

                              Urinary tract infection (UTI)

                             Many  types  of  bacteria  reduce  a  normal  chemical  in  urine,

                   Causes  called nitrates, into another chemical, called nitrites.

                             The  presence  of  leukocyte  esterase  indicates  the  presence  of


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