Page 4 - Scoop December 2021
P. 4
Pepper offers to assist team members outside of
District 6 work as well. Whether a team member needs a
Pepper McGill
Augusta ride to/from work or money to purchase pants
that meet DDS guidelines, she offers to help with
it all. Any time we are collecting donations for the
homeless, veterans, or hurricane victims, she is
the first to donate and encourage others to do so.
Gail has volunteered on countless teams to help.
District 7 When a tornado came through Albany, Gail volun-
Gail Ingram teered without hesitation to be a part of the mo-
LaGrange bile issuance team to help the citizens obtain their
license and ID’s that were lost during the storm.
Respect is truly Nicole’s middle name. No matter
the situation, she always finds a way to make sure
everyone feels appreciated through the good and
District 8 bad. Nicole is very punctual and she is someone
Nicole Barrett who can be trusted to do the job the same way
every day with no shortcuts
Macy will encourage her team members to commit
to change initiatives by sharing or explaining the
District 9 expected benefits or the strategy behind it. She
Macy Mincey shares her extensive knowledge and her high moral
Savannah values to effectively educate our customers and
team members.