Page 6 - Scoop December 2021
P. 6
Supply Chain Roundtable
Commissioner Moore was invited to participate in the Governor's recent Roundtable Discussion of ways to improve the
supply chain delays that are happening in our State and throughout the country. After hearing from the experts, Governor
Kemp joined Governors from 14 States to outline the following suggestions for the Federal Government. The Program is
called Operation Open Roads and includes suggestions to:
Prioritize the implementation of and work with states to execute an adjustment of Federal guidelines to lower the eligibility
age for Commercial Drivers Licenses from 21 to 18. This program should be put into motion on or before January 14, 2022.
It could certify up to 25,000 18- to 20-year-old drivers as long-haul truckers per year.
Eliminate or suspend unnecessary taxes that create financial disincentives – for example, the 12 percent excise tax imposed
on new truck purchases in section 4051 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Follow the lead of states like Georgia and talk to experts in the private sector and identify ways these industry leaders can
help partner with local, state, and Federal governments to move the ball down the field.
Governor Kemp has also asked DDS to prepare a report addressing CDL driver shortages for his review.