Page 46 - ME-03-digital-heb_Neat
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them. Pinni, in recruiting new     Shilo: With the detachment        collaborating with seniors who
members, does the faculty          from senior researchers I
consider the balance between       totally disagree. I think that’s  were your advisors in the PhD
theorists and experimentalists?    a weakness at the Technion. It
Bar-Yoseph: Excellent              bars new faculty members from     or postdoctoral research is
research combines theory and       pursuing a variety of research
experimentation under one          directions they can work on.      problematic, as well as the need
roof. A good research group        Bar-Yoseph: The promotions
should have an appropriate         committees expect full            to show that you have engaged
balance between the two. As        research independence, so
someone who is considered          a collaboration with a senior     in other research areas and did
an expert in computational         researcher can be fatal for a
methods in mechanics, I believe    beginning faculty member. If      not just continue the research
that experimentation is no less    you have published 20 articles
challenging than computation;      and one or two of them are with   you are familiar with, but what is
the experimental system, too,
must be carefully designed                     Bar-Yoseph:           the problem if I collaborate with
to yield reliable results, a       Faculty members should have
topic with which I am closely       a constant, uncompromising       a senior colleague?
familiar. The fundamental          drive to advance the research,
difference lies in the investment   a competitive entrepreneurial    Bar-Yoseph: Joint work with
required for the equipment,
lab construction, and research        spirit, dedicated advocacy     colleagues at your own level is
budget for experimentalists.         of new ideas, and academic
Give the theorist basic supplies       leadership and teamwork       not considered collaboration
and an office and he or she         skills combined with teaching
can start working. Hiring an         and mentoring capabilities.     with senior researchers. Beyond
experimentalist is a complex
engineering task that demands      senior researchers, then you      that, it depends very much on
a substantial amount of time       are obviously independent.
and resources.                     But if most of your publications  the extent and nature of the
Shilo: And that is why we are      were prepared with senior
all evaluated after being hired,   researchers, out goes the         collaboration.
and if within six years we have    independence and leadership
not proven ourselves, there’s      criterion and the research        Shilo: Because of all of these
a chance we’ll find ourselves      grants you have received are not
outside the faculty.               credited to you.                  subtleties, it is important to
Bar-Yoseph: Yes, but a faculty     Shilo: I understand that
member who demonstrates                                              provide new faculty members
outstanding research and
teaching, academic leadership                                        with guidance and direction.
and independence, and
complete separation from                                             Bar-Yoseph: I strongly agree.
senior researchers, should have
no problem.                                                          When I started, the dean

                                                                     wished me success on the

                                                                     staircase. Until I was promoted

                                                                     to Associate Professor, I had no

                                                                     idea what I was up against. The

                                                                     approach was “sink or swim:”

                                                                     If you exert yourself, you will

                                                                     become a faculty member and

                                                                     if you sink—well, too bad. As

                                                                     dean, I introduced a practice

                                                                     of periodic meetings with all

                                                                     the new faculty members and

                                                                     made sure they received close

                                                                     mentorship. Till this day, I

                                                                     proudly follow the 18 faculty

                                                                     members recruited during my

                                                                     term; those who were promoted

                                                                     and the ones I hope will be

                                                                     soon. I believe we need to be

                                                                     there for new faculty members

                                                                     until they are promoted. After

                                                                     all, their success is also our

                                                                     own.                             

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