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                              Newspaper for Micro, Small & Medium Scale Enterprises

          Issue No. 65                                Free Copy                                  December, 2020

                                                                       Some Funding

                                                                  Facilities in Ghana

                                                                       ooking to fund

                                                                       your  business
              he  Zhauns  Group  of  Companies  was
              founded by Zhaun Ahmed (current CEO)             Li n   G h a n a ?
       Tin  1970.  Over  time,  the  company  has              W e ' v e   g o t   y o u
       expanded  to  such  an  extent  that  it  is  now       covered  with  some
       Africa's leading supplier of machines for small-        helpful tips. Starting
       and  medium-sized  businesses  in  the
       manufacturing industry.                                 your  own  company
       Over the years, we've built up a great team of          can be a daunting but
       competent employees. Our team members are               rewarding  process.               Ato Tandoh
       encouraged  to  continuously  improve  on  our          W h i l e   a   g r e a t    Business & Entrepreneurial
       services to maintain a competitive edge, with                                         Development Consultant
       an emphasis on innovation, performance and              business  plan  is  crucial  for  founders,
       customer satisfaction.                                  financing  is  one  of  the  most  important
       In  addition  to  helping  individual  business         elements a company needs to succeed.
       owners  set  up  successful  enterprises,  and          However,  financing  a  startup  or  small
       assisting Governments in Africa, set up poverty
           Issue No. 20                                        business  can  be  a  difficult,  drawn-out
       alleviation and rural development projects, the
       Zhauns  Group  is  also  involved  in  property         process,  especially  for  those  with  poor
       investment.                                             credit. While there is no standard minimum
       From our headquarters in Cape Town, South               credit score you must have to get a business
       Africa – and our two branches in Johannesburg
       and  Durban  –  we  offer  assistance  to               loan,  traditional  banks  have  a  range  they
       entrepreneurs across the African continent.             consider acceptable.

       Through our machines, we create sustainable             Bank  loans  and  microfinance:  are  common
       business  opportunities  which  give  business          ways  of  financing  companies:  you  borrow
       owners  the  opportunity  to  produce,  and  sell       from  the  investors/lenders  an  agreed
       products which are in daily demand. Zhauns
                                                               amount  (the  principal)  and  reply  the
       gives  you  the  opportunity  to  start  your  own
                                                               principal  and  interest  to  them  after  a
       profitable business for as little as R2999-00.
                                                               specified period of time. Microfinance loans

       Zhauns  is  constantly  aware  of  the  rising          typically target small business owners.
       unemployment rate and lack of opportunities
       for  South Africans  and Africans.  Economists          Presented  here  is  the  list  of  all
       the world over agree that future employment             Microfinance  institutions  in  Ghana
       will come from the small-to-medium business
       sector. It's up to every one of us to ensure that       according to Business Ghana
                                               Continue on pg 2
                                                               ·      Loan is a common way of financing
                                                                                                       Continue on  pg 3
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