Page 36 - To share_Farrugia_Dissertation_Summary_
P. 36

Results from interview; Country: Italy; Interview: Interview 3; Date of interview: 24/03/2021; Time of interview: 16:00pm; Duration of interview:
           30:00 minutes

                                             BIG DATA                         ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE                        ANALYTICS
           Domains             Big    Big Data is applied   Big Data could be   AI   AI is applied (how   AI could be applied in   Analytics   Analytics is   Analytics could   Comments
                               Data   in (how they used   applied (how they   applied   they used it) NO   (how they could use it)    applied   applied in (how   be applied in
                               applied   it)         could use it)    (/)                                      (/)   they use it)    (how they could
                               (/)                                                                                                    use it)

           Sustainability                          Could be used in the                                      
                                                     large local wine

           Fertigation                                                                                             Giving right level
                                                                                                                         of fertiliser

           Viticulture                                                                                       

           Supply Chain cycle                                                                                

           Vineyard management                                                                                     Spraying for pests

           General Operations                                                             Could be used to   
                                                                                              increased scale to grow

           Marketing                                                                                         

           Profitability                                                                                     

           Corporate Social                                                                                  

           Customer Services                                                                                 

           Retail Sector                                                                                     

           Internet Of Things                                                                                

               Table 13: shows the Italy interview participant 3, interview result by BD, AI and analytics vs them

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