Page 18 - The Green Entrepreneurs
P. 18


                     7  ST EPS  T O  S TA R T   Y OUR  G R E E N
                                    B U S I N E S S

                     fantastic business idea does not guarantee a successful
              A startup.  Having  an  idea  is  just  the  beginning  of  your
              journey, which can either be positive or negative, depending on

              your approach, commitment, patience, skill, and resilience.

              Green business requires the founder's commitment to creating
              products  for  the  target  market.  You  must  envision  and  work

              towards success from the beginning, while avoiding laziness and

              A  good  business  idea  can  transcend  into  a  globally  successful
              startup or social enterprise if the proper steps are followed from
              the  beginning.  It  all  begins  from  those  small  steps  that
              eventually become giant steps through commitment, dedication,

              discipline, and perseverance.
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