Page 21 - The Green Entrepreneurs
P. 21


          The  key  is  to  get  started  to  move  from  the  concept  to  the
          execution phase and create incredible products.

          3. Solve a problem

          The  golden  rule  4  states  that  “People  do  not  purchase  your

          products;  they  purchase  solutions  to  their  problems."  Before
          moving  forward,  you  need  to  ask  yourself  whether  your  idea
          solves a problem; this is how successful businesses were built.

          There  is  no  point  starting  if  your  idea  cannot  solve  your
          customer's  problem.  Many  businesses  failed  because  they
          implemented ideas, produced products, and expected customers

          to buy; customer development was missing.

          In  1994,  The  Founder  and  CEO  of  Amazon,  Jeff  Bezos,

          reimagined  the  book  retail  store  by  founding  an  online
          bookstore to solve customers’ searching for the right books. In
          2004,  Mark  Zuckerberg,  The  Founder  and  CEO  of  Facebook
          built a social network to connect people universally.

          Customer  Development  is  about  understanding  customers'
          needs,  having  detailed  knowledge  about  the  problem,  and

          building  a  perfect  solution  to  solve  the  problem.  This  is
          achieved through customer discovery, customer validation, and
          the creation of green enterprise. You can grow your enterprise

          to support your product's demand at the growth stage.
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