Page 34 - Practical DF2 Corrected (2)
P. 34

Pharm D Clinical Pharmacy program 2024-2025  Level 2, Semester 2  Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms II (PT 405)


1. This cream is non-greasy and should soften the skin. On application over

the skin, water evaporates, and stearic acid precipitates on the skin in finest

crystals with a considerable increase in the smoothness of skin. Stearic

acid on precipitating acts as a base for applied powders.

2. The selection of alkali affects the properties of the cream. The most

common base are sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or

triethanolamine. HLB (Hydrphilic lipopilic balance) values of their

stearates are given below.

Emulsifier       HLB   Consistency of                             Note
                      produced cream

[1] Sodium       18                          Hard

[2] Potassium    20   Lies between [1]
   stearate                and [3]

        [3]      12                          Soft  Regarding to irritation, it’s
Triethanolamine                                          the mildest base


o The desired cream is often achieved by using two alkalies together.

    o In older formulations, ammonia or sodium carbonate are often
       suggested, with the disadvantages of ammonia odor of the cream of the
       former, and the instability of the cream of the latter. Moreover, sodium
       carbonate cause bulky frothing due to CO2 release.

    o Borax induces pearly luster to the cream. However, its incompatibility
       with glycerol and sorbitol forbidden its use in vanishing cream.

    It used as a base for protective, sunscreen, non-foaming shaving and
    nourishing creams.

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