Page 30 - Practical DF2 Corrected (2)
P. 30
Pharm D Clinical Pharmacy program 2024-2025 Level 2, Semester 2 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms II (PT 405)
Vanishing or Day Cream
• It is an emulsion of stearic acids.
• The emulsifying agent is soap or a mixture of soaps of sodium, potassium and
• They are always o/w emulsion and containing 15 - 30% total fatty matter.
• The bulk of the oil phase consists of stearic acid, of which 25% is neutralized
giving soap. The produced soap emulsified the residual of the acid.
• They are called vanishing creams because they seem to disappear when
rubbed into the skin sometimes, they are called foundation cream as they
form a foundation or base for powder. They can also be used as hand creams.
• The principal ingredients are:
1) Stearic acid:
- This forms the bulk of the oil phase which, by the addition of an alkali
forms soap.
- Most of the stearic acid is emulsified by the soap formed.
2) Cetyl alcohol:
- This is obtained from china wax and is a waxy alcohol which; when
added to an emulsion, makes the final product fine and smooth.
- It gives the cream smoothness to the skin.
3) Humectants:
- They are three types: 1) inorganic, 2) organic, and 3) metal organic.
- Glycerin, sorbitol ..., etc., help to improve the spreading properties of the
cream and preserve its consistency.
- They minimize the drying out of the cream on exposure to the air.
4) Humectants:
- These are of vegetable origin e.g., almond oil.
- They nourish, protect and help to retain the suppleness of the skin.