Page 13 - The Endeavour
P. 13
Environment 13
Environment 13
Cease on forest fires - - - an environmental World Environment Day
requisite - by a staff reporer
- by a staff reporter then Union Ministers
xtensive wildfire lead to warming in the carbon dioxide at a the 2015 Paris Agree- Wronment Envi- of India, at a function
Edisasters, such as middle and lower at- rate equal to about one ment. (WED) is celebrated organized by the Indi-
recently reported in mosphere, leading to third of the amount For the general public, annually on 5 June and an Council of
Australia, Indonesia more unpredictable released annually by television and radio is the United Nations’ Cultural Relations in
and the United States, weather patterns. De- burning fossil fuels. broadcasts are an espe- principal New Delhi. It is sup-
adversely affect com- posits of black carbon Stopping deforestation cially effective means vehicle for encourag- ported by the global
munities, economies on snow make the and restoring damaged of educating people re- ing awareness and ac- organization Habitat
and ecosystems. More snow e co - garding their respon- tion for the protection For Humanity.
generally, they contrib- les s sys - sibilities in relation to of the environment.
ute to air pollution and a b l e t e m s fire prevention. First held in 1974,
global warming, and to re- cou ld These fire prevention it has been a platform
indicate that existing f lect p ro - and safety campaigns for raising awareness
mechanisms to deal su n - v ide are generally broad- on environmental is-
with wildfire which are light up to casted right through- sue such as marine
centred around disas- back Source: Google 30 per out the year; however, pollution, human Source: Google
ter risk management, i n t o cent of they increase in in- overpopulation, glob-
are insufficient. space, further warm- the global climate re- tensity particularly in al warming, sustain- World Environment
Carbon dioxide (CO2) ing the planet. storing solution. the lead up and right able consumption and Day was established
and other emissions In paper presented by Research shows that through the summer wildlife crime. World in 1972 by the United
from Peatland and Johan Kieft, ecosys- forest fires are increas- months. Environment Day is Nations at the Stock-
forest wildfires con- tems and wildfires ex- ingly responsible for These campaigns pro- a global platform for holmConference on
tribute substantially pert at the UN Envi- forest degradation in vide simple advice in public outreach, with the Human Environ-
to the global green- ronment Programme the tropics due to the relation to such issues participation from ment, that had resulted
house effect, thus mak- (UNEP), he says, expansion of fire-de- as campfire safety, the over 143 countries an- from discussions on
ing erratic floods and “Wildfires are expect- pendent agriculture, conduct of fuel burn nually. Each year, the integration of hu-
droughts more likely to ed to increase in many land use change, log- offs, burning of rub- the program has pro- man interactions and
occur. They also pro- regions of the globe ging practices, and se- bish in outdoor fires vided a theme and fo- the environment. Two
duce health-damaging under a changing cli- vere droughts. Around and even educating rum for businesses, years later, in 1974 the
smoke particles and mate. Reducing for- 67 million hectares of people regarding the non government orga- first WED was held
black carbon. est-related greenhouse forest land was burned disposal of cigarette nizations, communi- with the theme "Only
Smoke particles re- gas emissions is key annually between 2003 butts. ties, governments and One Earth". Even
duce solar radiation to mitigating climate and 2016, mostly in World must enhance celebrities to advocate though WED celebra-
absorbed by the atmo- change”. tropical Africa and measures taken against environmental causes. tions have been held
sphere during fires or Forests and Peatlands South America. forest fire in order The anthem was annually since 1974, in
burning seasons. This are key nature-based Countries defined to regulate its spread launched in June 2013 1987 the idea for rotat-
can generate signifi- solutions to climate their own commit- and thus save the nat- on the occasion of the ing the center of these
cant regional climate change thanks to their ments in tackling cli- ural carbon sinks of World Environment activities through se-
effects. Black carbon unparalleled capaci- mate change through the world in this dire Day by Kapil Sibal lecting different host
in smoke particles can ty to absorb and store national determined needy time of saving and Shashi Tharoor, countries began.
carbon. Forests capture contributions under the climate.
Covid-19 and its outcome on Environment Caution and ways of
- by a staff reporter Earth preservation
he global outbreak disinfectants, mask, number of people as or indirectly affected - by a staff reporter
Tof coronavirus dis- and gloves; and burden a preventive measure the environment like orld Environ- lot of diseases that orig-
ease (COVID-19) is of untreated wastes of COVID-19, which improvement of air Wment Day is inate due to unhygienic
affecting every part of continuously and water quality, re- celebrated every year living conditions and
human lives. The mea- e n d a nge r- duction of noise and on June 5th globally. dirty water, we must be
sures taken to control ing the en- restoration of ecology. It is a day on which cautious about that too.
the spread of the vi- vironment. The outbreak of we spread awareness For instance, when wa-
rus and the slowdown National and COVID-19 improved about the environment ter remains stagnant or
of economic activities international air quality in the short and the need to con- unclean for long, vari-
have significant ef- authorities term and significantly serve it. It is quite sim- ous insects and bacteria
fects on the environ- and experts Source: Google contributed to global ple as when we con- start growing there this
ment. This pandemic suggest the carbon emissions re- serve the environment results in deadly diseas-
situation significantly use of non-pharma- started from, 2020. duction. From the time today, the future gen- es like Malaria, Dengue
improves air quali- ceutical measures like Except emergency dimension, energy erations will be able to and more. So, we must
ty in different cities wearing face masks services , all other or- consumption dropped lead a healthier life. make sure to cover the
across the world, re- and hand gloves, ganizations including sharply during the out- There are certain caus- tanks, pots, coolers
duces GHGs emission, washing hands with educational institu- break of COVID-19, es which causes serious and more which may
lessens water pollution soap, frequent use of tions are being closed especially the total coal harm to our environ- become a breeding
and noise, and reduc- antiseptic solution and to encourage people to consumption. Howev- ment. For instance, in- ground for such insects
es the pressure on the maintaining social dis- stay at home. All the er, the observed data dustries and factories and diseases. Similarly,
tourist destinations, tance. To control the public transport ser- indicate that this bene- are contributing large- we have to talk about
which may assist with spread of the virus and vices were suspend- ficial effect only occurs ly to pollution. They the issues of garbage
the restoration of the reduce the death rate, ed, with exceptions of during quarantine. are deteriorating the disposal as people litter
ecological system. In government of most of the transportation of As some regions in quality of air that we around everywhere. It
addition, there are also the affected countries essential goods and China lifted the lock- breathe and the water is essential to firstly dis-
some negative conse- initiated to restrict the emergency services. down and enterprises we consume. If every- pose of waste properly
quences of COVID-19, movement of people. Overall, the pandemic resumed production, one starts doing little and also segregate the
such as increase of It is found that India has caused huge global people and goods be- deeds one by one, it wet and dry waste ac-
medical waste, haphaz- restricted the move- socio-economic dis- gan to flow on a large will turn into some- cordingly.
ard use and disposal of ment of the largest ruption, which directly scale. thing big. As there are a