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How To Do’s 9
How To Do’s 9
How to write an How to write a How to write an
editorial feature article
- by a staff reporter feature article is -special correspodent -by a staff reporter
n editorial is an 2. Argument: The ar- A a news story that the reader’s attention. n article writing is snappy. The most im-
Aarticle written by gument presents your goes beyond the facts The lead often creates Aa kind of writing portant part should be
the senior editorial opinion along with rea- to weave in a narrative the tone of the story that is written to reach briefly explained, often
i.e., serious/ sarcastic/
staff of a newspaper to sons why the audience and tell a compelling a massive audience with in past tense.The 5W 1H
voice their opinions on should agree with you. story. A feature arti- ironic etc. It can be of the help of the press. In (Who, When, Which,
issues pertaining to so- 3. Evidence: The evi- cle differs from a hard more than one sen- the case of article writ-
ciety. The goal of a good dence supports your news story as it offers ing, the press refers to
editorial is to persuade argument with facts, an in-depth look at a publishing houses of
the reader to consider research or anecdotes. particular subject, cur- newspapers, magazines
your perspective and 4. Counterargument: rent event, or location etc. The main aim of the
change their opinion. All editorial writers to audiences. A good writer here is to bring Source: Google
Editorials often focus should establish cred- feature story will keep Source: Google some difference in the
on controversial issues ibility by presenting the reader’s attention tence but should be world by changing the What, Where and How)
with widely different a fair review of the until the end, deliver- views of the people should be answered.
viewpoints. perspectives involved. ing a fleshed-out nar- written in third person. through an article writ- 3 . B o d y :
Although people write 5. Refutation: After rative and creating a The introduction holds ing. Writing should be in
editorials on a wide sharing the count- lasting impression. the gist of the story There are many differ- separate paragraphs.
range of topics, most er-argument with Steps of writing a fea- written in the body. ent formats for articles Writing should be in
3.The Body- This sec-
have the same basic a reader, the writ- ture story: circulating around. Let’s accordance with im-
components. All edito- er must explain why 1.Headline- the head- tion contains most of have a look at the most portance. Further
rials need a clear stance that argument is not line or title of the ar- the details of the story. general format of arti- data addition is ap-
and details to support accurate or relevant. ticle should grab the It includes names, plac- cles: preciated. Quotations
that perspective. Good 6. Conclusion: In the readers’ attention es, times, and quotes 1.Heading / Title: are frequently used.
related to the person,
persuasive articles have final paragraph of your quickly so they’ll keep Needs to grab read- 4. C on c lu s i on :
the following elements: editorial, summarize reading. It needs to event, or organization. ers attention. Ending paragraph of
1. Introduction: The your point of view and highlight the gener- 4.The Conclusion- Should give a hint the article with the
introduction builds remind the reader why al topic of the story. The conclusion should of the story content. opinion or recommen-
a reader’s interest in they should care about 2.Lead/ Introduction- leave a lasting impres- A line having the writ- dation, anticipation.
sion on the reader and
the topic and gives an this issue. the opening sentence er’s name (By-line) Final summary quote is
overview of the issue. must grab and hold provoke some sort of 2.Opening paragraph: used to wrap the story.
Should be short and
How to write a book How to reduce BGMI addiction of the players
review - Rajdeep Ghosh
hese are the three ingly. Not long ago a completing challeng-
-by a staff reporter Tbiggest warning 15-year-old boy stole es. Subsequently, you less each day. Required
homework and exercise
book review is dif- wrote the book and the signs for BGMI ad- over $700 from his fa- can spend up to $50 at needs to be completed
A erent from a book thesis he is arguing. diction, but there are ther’s bank account to a time to instantly gain first before any access
report. A book review 5.Summary: in five- others as well, such as buy loot-boxes. While levels up to a maximum for playing is granted.
is a form of literary crit- ten sentences, briefly being deceptive, expe- you’re able to earn of 100. There are differ- You may find it helpful
icism in which a book summarize the con- riencing withdrawal loot-boxes by playing ent price points, but it to create a family screen
is a summary review tents of the book. This symptoms, using gam- the game, you can only generally works out at time contract.
or analysed based on should not occupy ing to escape, or being Step 2: Find more ac-
content, style, and mer- most of your review. unable to focus without tivities. Here is a list of
it. A book review may 6.Trace the arguments: playing games. They replacement activities:
be a primary source, in as many sentenc- have a set of three crite- keep gaming from be-
opinion piece, summa- es as necessary, thor- ria as warning signs: 1. ing the only thing they
ry review or scholarly oughly describe how Impaired control: Your do; make sure they are
review. Such a review the author argues and gamer is unable to con- spending more time
may evaluate the book supports his thesis. trol or limit their game- outside in nature; in-
on the basis of person- This should occupy the play. crease their face-to-
al taste of the reviewer. greatest percentage of 2. Loss of interest in face interactions, and
Elements of a book re- the review. Cite concre- other activities: Your find competitive outlets
view- ate examples from the gamer’s life revolves Source: Google such as sports.
1.Bibliographic in- book, including page around gaming instead Step 3: Improve com-
formation: includ- numbers is parenthesis. of gaming revolving unlock a small num- $1 per level. Research munication. Stop call-
ing number of pages 7.Evaluation: identi- around their life. ber in one week. If you has found loot boxes ing them an addict.
and price of a book. fy parts of the author’s 3. Continuing to play want to open more, it to be psychologically Whether they are or
2.Opening sentence: try argument that were despite negative im- will cost $2.50 to pur- the same as gambling, not, this only creates
to capture the reader’s particularly strong and pact: Gaming is caus- chase a key. The only and parents should not more conflict in the
attention. Often sum- weak. Explain and sup- ing significant harm purpose of these loot allow loot boxes to be family. Remember that
marizing the author’s port your opinion. Cite to their school grades, boxes is to unlock cos- purchased. rapport creates trust,
purpose and/ or thesis concreate examples. employment, or rela- metic items that have How to Combat BGMI trust creates leverage,
or quoting a colorful or 8.Conclusion: in two- tionships. no impact on gameplay. Addiction: - and leverage is required
provocative statement three sentences, briefly The Danger of On top of this, you can Don’t wait for the prob- for influence. Spend
will accomplish this. comment on why a book Loot-Boxes in BGMI: spend money to level lem to get worse. Take more time together
3.Introduction: intro- on this topic is import- As the mobile version up your character and action now. Here are a hiking or doing activ-
duce the author and ant, timely, or otherwise of the game is so easy unlock new dances, few practical strategies ities together on the
the context of the book. of value. Conclude with to get a hold of, it’s pos- weapon designs, and you can implement: weekends. Consider
4.Purpose and thesis: a few comments about sible for children to celebrations. For exam- Step 1: Limit gaming. cheering up your com-
in one-five sentences, the “usability” and for- spend a lot of money ple, you can purchase a If your son is over 12 munication and par-
state why the author mat of the book. on the game unknow- Survivor Pass for $10, years bring gaming enting styles.
to level up faster by down to two hours or