Page 4 - The Endeavour
P. 4

Interna                                         tional                                                                                 4
          International                  4

            Biden on his term as the President of US                                                      Afghan Taliban Crisis:

                                                                                                          Taliban Claims to Control
                                                                                    -by a staff reporter  90% of Afghan Border
         W     here       does ger than when we went  ing. And I just found      justice. They want to                             - by a staff reporter

                                                         her to be someone
                            go in.
                                                                                 be  united.  They want
         from here? That’s the  Fighting vaccine hesi-   who if, in fact, some-  to bring the country to-  Kabul: The Taliban     of its kind within the
         colossal question to  tancy                     thing happened to me,   gether. This is a matter   claims to control 90 per-  country's 30-year his-
         ask President-elect Joe  The words                                       of letting the air out of   cent of Afghanistan's   tory.
         Biden, along with Vice  of a Pres-                                       the balloon a little bit.   borders, a spokesman   The Taliban’s offensives
                                                                                                                                  in recent weeks have
         President-elect Kama- iden t                                             I think you’re going to   told Russian media on   forced Afghan refu-
         la Harris.             m a t t e r .                                     see a lot more coop-    Thursday, following of-  gees and government
         But Biden is likely the  Wh e t h -                                      eration than anybody    fensives carried out by   troops to form their
                                                                                                          the hard-line Islamist
         first in a generation to  er they’re                                     thinks.                 g r o u p                            w a y
         inherit such a crescen- good Pres-                                       Pardoning      Donald   as for-                              acr os s
         do of catastrophes: a  idents or                                         Trump                   eig n                                the Tajik
         worsening pandemic  bad, they                                            My Justice Department   forces                               border.
         that’s brought a stag- matter. I                                         will make decisions     w it h -                             w hic h
         gering loss of life;  joined the              Source: Google             based on the facts.     draw.                                m ai n -
         widespread unemploy- three Pres-                                         They’re the people’s    “A f -                               t a i n s
         ment and an economic  idents who said they  I knew they could take      lawyers; they’re not     g h an -                             military
         crisis; a global climate  would [be publicly vac-  over. That’s Kamala.  my lawyers. I’m nev-    borders        Source: Google        b a s e s
         crisis; a reckoning over  cinated] because I think  Uniting a divided nation  er going to pick up the   with Ta-                     in Cen-
                                                                                                                                              tral Asia,
         the continued perva- people will realize we  I got widely criticized    phone and say, “Pardon   jikistan,  Uzbekistan,  said it might stage mil-
         siveness of systemic  have to reinstate con-    when I first announced   so-and-so,” or “Go out   Turkmenistan,    and   itary drills with Tajik-
         racism; and growing  fidence that science is  my candidacy [for] say-   and prosecute so-and-    Iran, or about 90 per-  istan and Uzbekistan
         misinformation blur- real. If someone with the  ing that we had to not   so.” But I lived through   cent of the border, are   near the border with
         ring fact and fiction.                                           reputation of [Anthony]  greet Trump with a   Gerald Ford’s pardon-  under our control,”   Afghanistan in August.
                                                                                                          Zabihullah Mujahid, a
         Here are excerpts from  Fauci and the leading  clenched fist, but with   ing of Richard Nixon.   Taliban official spokes-  Even as large-scale
         Biden’s interview, edit- scientists of the country  more of an open hand.   I think that the law   man told the RIA No-  fighting    decreased
         ed for clarity-        said this vaccine works,  That we weren’t going   and the circumstance    vosti news agency, a    during the week of the
                                                                                                                                  Eid al-Adha holiday,
         How the pandemic has  they should take it.      to respond to hate with   should take its effect.   claim that would not be   the inside ministry
         changed him, and us    Choosing Kamala Harris   hate. And when George   I’m   not    suggesting  independently verified.  accused the Taliban
         What’s been reinforced  She is straight as an ar-  Floyd [was killed], I was   [Trump] be prosecuted   The militants are push-  of  killing  about  100
                                                                                                          ing across Afghanistan,
         is my absolute com- row. She is really, real-   cautioned by some re-   or not. But I would not   snapping up territory,   civilians within the
         mitment that everyone  ly bright. She is tough.  ally  smart people. You   be engaged in that pre-  seizing border cross-  town  of  Spin  Boldak
         is entitled  to health  But yet she has a heart  know, “Don’t  go out   maturely.                ings, and encircling    along the border with
         care. It’s not about  that understands what  and talk about racial      What he’d like people to   cities after  the with-  Pakistan since seiz-
                                                                                                                                  ing the crossing in the
         whether or not it’s a  it’s  like  to  be  on the  inequity; don’t mention   say of him in four years  drawal of folks and   last few weeks, sources
         privilege. It’s a right.  other side of prejudice.  it because you’re gon-  That America was bet-  NATO troops. The re-  said. "Afghan security
         We’re the only coun- She also was an immi-      na lose the  suburbs.”   ter off and average     surgent militants now   forces will soon take
                                                                                                          control about half of
         try in the world that  grant’s daughter who  My argument all along      Americans are better     Afghanistan's roughly   revenge on these wild
         has come out of every  was raised, in a strange  is that the American   off the day we left than   400 districts. Ex-Soviet   terrorists,"  interior
         crisis stronger than we  way, like I was. We were  people aren’t there.   the day we arrived.    Tajikistan, on Afghan-  ministry spokesman of
         went  into  the  crisis.  I  taught that we could be  The American people   That’s my objective.  istan's border, held a   Afghanistan, Mirwais
                                                                                                                                  Stanekzai said on Twit-
         predict we will come  anything. Don’t give up,  are not mean-spirited.                           large-scale military in-  ter recently.
         out of this crisis stron- just move, keep push-  They do want to see                             spection -- the primary

         German Flood situation worsens                                           Bank of America is launching a

                                                          - by a staff reporter   crypto research team
         Berlin: After nearly  flash floodsThe extreme  causing  damage  to  the                                                    - by a staff reporter
         more than a week that  flooding in West Ger-    infrastructure, building    ank of America is    Wealth    Management    from Morgan Stanley
         the flooding hit western  many was caused by a  and the humans.         Blaunching a crypto-     employees and part-     and Lehman Brothers.
         Europe,                 severe storm and con-   German Finance Min-     currency research team   ners. “Cryptocurrencies   He holds a BA from
         G er -                                                      i s t e r   as institutional inter-  and digital
         many,                                                       pledged     est  in  the  digital  asset   assets con-
         B el -                                                      at   least  space continues to rise.   stitute one
         g i u m                                                     300 mil-    The new operation will   of the fast-
         a n d                                                       lion euros   be run by Alkesh Shah,   est growing
         t h e                                                       of emer-    who previously led the   emerging
         Neth-                                                       gency aid   firm’s global technology   te ch n o l -
         er -                                                        would be    specialist team, accord-  ogy   eco-           Source: Google
         lands,                                                      prov i d -  ing to a memo obtained   sys t em s,”
         G er -                                                      ed. Many    by Insider. Bloomberg    Browning said, adding   Cornell University and
         m a n                                                       mini s -    was first to report. Shah   that the sector is cur-  an MBA from Colum-
         o ffi -                                                     ters and    will report to Michael   rently valued at about   bia Business School.
         c i a l s                 Source: Google                    officials   Maras, the head of glob-  $2 trillion.           Joining his team are
         h a v e                                                     sho w -     al fixed-income, cur-    Shah, who has 20 years   Mamta Jain - who has
         confirmed that 158  tinuous rains that caused  cased their concern      rency, and commodity     of experience in tech-  past experience in mo-
         people are still missing  rivers and streams to  about  the    climate  research for BofA.       nology and research,    bile and digital strategy
         and may not be found.  swell  up  and  flood  the   changes  and  what  it   The memo, dated July   will cover global crypto-  for global banking and
         The hardest-hit coun-   towns and cities. When  can result to. The force   8, was written by Can-  currency, digital assets,   markets - and Andrew
         try, Germany has lost  the soil and the water  of nature is very unpre-  dace Browning, head of   and the related ecosys-  Moss, a vice president
         around 173 lives.       bodies were no longer  dictable and can cause   global research, and ad-  tem, Browning said. He   in the BofA’s data and
         Train lines and roads  able to absorb the excess  huge damage.          dressed to Merrill Lynch   joined the bank in 2013   innovation group.
         were swept away by the  water, it spilled it out
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