Page 2 - The Endeavour
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The Endeavour
                                              The Endeavour

                                                  t a glance
         Nation at a glance                  2
                     tion a
        Highlights               Impact of Covid-19 on education in India
         Indian men's hock-                                                                                                              - Subham Roy
         ey team bag bronze,         OVID-19 has af- and then closed again.  it like a pro to aid the  food from the home to  and  teachers  to  con-
         win their 1st medal    Cfected a large num- Though schools are  students in the current  get their nutrition. So,  nect virtually through
         at Olympics after 41    ber of students across  closed, students are  position. But on the  because of the closure  online          classrooms,
         years                   states, class, caste, gen- attending their classes  negative side, many  of the schools, many  webinars, digital ex-

         The    Indian   men's   der in India as well as  through various edu-   teachers are looking  students were suffer-      ams, and so on. But
         hockey team defeated    globally. No one would  cation initiatives like  for an alternative job to  ing from  not having  the sad truth is that
         Germany 5-4 in the      have guessed that a  online classrooms, ra-     support their families.  enough food for their  it is not available to
         bronze medal at Olym-   virus-like   Covid-19 dio pro-                                 E du -    survival. There is al-  many students all over
         pics to win thier first     would come and with- g rams.                               c a t e d  ways a delay or can-   the nation. Every-
         medal at Olympics       out     differentiating, Though                                p ar -    cellation of exams,  thing is happening for
         after 41 years. Indian   it will alter the life- it is a                               ents are  which leads to confu-   the well-being of the
         men's hockey team       style of people. Due  g o o d                                  s up -    sion for many students  students so that they
         have now won three      to Covid-19, many  t hin g                                     porting  and there is no room  can stay safe at home
         bronze medals, one      changes came to our  happen-                                   t h eir  for curriculum. Most  without getting affect-
         silver medal and eight   world and it took some  ing on                                ch i l -  of the school-going  ed  by  the  life-threat-
         gold medals in the      time for everyone to  the other side, there  dren throughout the  children are being in-         ening virus. We were
         history  of  Olympics.                                adopt the new normal.  are lots of students  pandemic,  but we re-  volved in child labour  not ready for this, but
                                 The Covid-19 impact  who didn’t own the re-     quire to understand  to support their fami-      it came, so we have to
         Indian women's hock-    was everywhere, which  sources  to attend the  that there are some  lies. This pandemic has  go through this to-
         ey team lose bronze     resulted in the closure  online classes suffer  a  illiterate parents and  not only affected the  gether, but we have to
         medal match 3-4 to      of Schools and other  lot. Many students are  their feeling of help-     students but also the  update the infrastruc-
         Great Britain           educational    institu- struggling to obtain  lessness to help their  Low-budget        institu-  ture and should think

                                 tions.                  the gadgets required  children in their edu-     tions and schools, re-  of ways to undertake
         The Indian women's      Initially, most govern- for online classes.     cation.                  sulting in closing down  the situation and pro-
         hockey team lost their   ments have decided to  Teachers who are all  There are  students in  of the same.               viding education to
         bronze medal match to
         Great Britain at 3-4. It   temporarily close the  experts in Blackboard,  India who came to  There are both positive  every  child  amid  the
         was India's first-ever   schools to reduce the  Chalk, books, and  school just because  and negative matters  pandemic if we face
         bronze medal match      impact of Covid-19.  classroom teaching are  they can get food. The  happening around us  something  precisely
         in the history of Olym-  Later it was reopened  really new to this dig-  great midday meal  amid the Covid-19.  like this in the future
         pics.                   for a few grades, which  ital teaching, but they  scheme has helped  Technology paved the  to  aid  the  forthcom-
         for more on sports,     increased the num- are adopting  the new  many children who  way for education, thus  ing generation. Stay
         turn to page no. 10     ber of infection rates  methods and handling  couldn’t bring their  helping the students  home. Stay safe.

         Third Covid-19 wave is expected to arrive in August and
                          is going to be peak in October

         Vaccination efficiency in India
                                                              -Drishtant Gope

             he     vaccination                          rate of 78% and 100%
        Tseems to  be  the                               protection against se-
         only way out of this                            verity and mortality.
         devastating covid-19                            Sputnik  V was man-
         pandemic. For such a                            ufactured and devel-
         huge population like                            oped by Gamaleya Re-
         India, getting itself ful-  doses of three approved   search Institute. This
         ly vaccinated is a chal-  vaccines i.e. Covisheld,   vaccine showcased an
         lenging affair.         Covaxin and Sput-       efficacy rate of 97.6% .
         The government of       nik V. Covisheld was    The government of
         India announced the     manufactured by As-     India aims to get In-
         availability of covid-19   traZeneca , a biophar-  dia fully vaccinated
         vaccine for everyone    maceutical company      by the end of 2021 .
         above  the  age  of  18   and was developed by   Vaccination is one the
         from May 1 .            Serum Institute of In-  top priorities for the
         Around 47.2 Cr doses    dia. Covisheld was the   nation with respect to
         have been given in In-  first to be approved for   the entire pandemic
         dia. A total of 10.4 Cr   use in India has proven   scenario which has led
         people are fully vacci-  a efficacy rate of 70%   to the unprecedented
         nated in  India which   which can be scaled     lockdown across the
         is just 7.6% of the total   up to 91% when both   national, which has af-
         population,   accord-   the doses are admin-    fected the mental and
         ing to the Ministry of   istrated .Covaxin was   physical health, edu-
         health and family wel-  manufactured and de-    cation, business and
         fare.                   veloped by Bharat Bio-  many such things im-
         India has so far given   tech, it shows a efficacy   mensely.
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