Page 7 - The Endeavour
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Stalwarts 7
the rise of young minds by dint of notable preaching Motivational
-Ishika Chakraborty Speeches
A Social media rev- ed and reminded of where one needs to stay their future endeav- day causing despair - by a staff reporter
olution is unfolding the great words said focused all day. R.N. ours. R.N. Tagore once among the youths as 1. “Never stop fight-
before our eyes, for- by their forebearers to Tagore once stated his said, "The highest ed- they feel even if they ing untill you arrived
ever changing the way make a soothing and feelings of how stu- ucation is that which excel in their fields of at your destined place
we connect. I see this comfortable life path, dents should be taught does not merely give us work, they cannot pos- Z that is, the unique
whenever I travel; the eventually leading to under open skies and information but makes sess quality jobs which you. have a aim in
teenage boys are pre- the success of their they desire. For that, life, continuously ac-
occupied with their nation. Over the next the grown-ups need to quire knowledge, work
cell phones; a young decade and beyond, to promote and prioritize hard and have the pre-
girl tweeting from a solve the most pressing small-scale businesses serverance to realize
healthcare clinic; a issues of our time, a and rising entrepre- the great life.”
young nurse taking tap into the dynamism neurs and discourage - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul
notes on an iPad etc. of youth movements monopolized business Kalam
I also see how people and young social en- chains and these ini- 2. “One individual may
connect with friends trepreneurs are need- tiatives may form a de- die for an idea, but that
on Facebook. At the ed, for they have the finitive life path for the Idea, after his death,
same time, we are liv- potential to disrupt youth. Ishwar Chandra incornate itself in a
ing in a world faced inertia and be the most Source: Ishika Chakraborty Vidyasagar once told, thousand lives.”
with huge social chal- creative forces for so- given free thoughts on our life in harmony "If a person wants to
lenges. Last year, the cial change, empower their concerned sub- with all existence", and become big, then he - Netaji Subhas
world reached a histor- youth to drive social jects. The day-to-day this saying of the No- should do even the Chandra Bose
ic milestone with seven progress in the devel- classes go on and a bel laureate should be smallest work because 3. “We need to find
billion people, 1.8 bil- oping world through day also includes on- reckoned by the par- only self-help is the god, and he can not
lion of which are youth new and innovative line tuition classes of ents or teachers to let best". be found in noise and
aged 10 to 24. And of projects. the students later, even the youth choose their Swami Vivekanan- restlessness. God is
this young population, Swami Vivekananda extra-curricular activi- own life. If the youths da once said, "Youth the friend silence. See
90% lives in develop- once said, "A brave, ties are being done on- are invested in playing is the best time. How the stars, the moon
ing countries like our frank, clean-hearted, line which are meant video games, narcot- you utilize this period and the sun, how they
country India. This courageous and aspir- for their entertainment ics, or even obsessed will decide the nature move in silence...we
generation aka Gen Z ing youth is the only but are being exhaust- with fashion, then the of coming years that need silence to able to
is the most intercon- foundation on which ed at the end of the day. parents and society lie ahead of you". The touch soul.”
nected ever and con- the future nation can The students are hav- should try to under- youth needs to reck- - Mother Teresa
tinues to grow rapid- be built". The youth ing huge baggage of stand their standpoint on the glory of the age
ly, and the challenges today is very much de- home works, projects of doing those activi- revolutionaries and 4. “Take up one idea.
they face in terms of pressed and sad, the work, assignments, ties instead of contrib- create a bright path for Make that one idea
sustainability are ever reason being, either the etc. which are vastly uting to their glorious their future and take as you life, think of it,
more daunting. The pressure to study from affecting their mental future. Instead of judg- much help as needed dream of it and live on
youth needs to be un- their parents or the so- state. Youth is a flow- ing and scolding them, from the parent-fig- that idea. Let the brain,
derstood and trusted cietal discrepancies. In ering bud and it goes they should try to be- ures and the teachings muscles, never, every
with all the challeng- this pandemic period, through a huge change come their friends and of various stalwarts part of your body be
ing stages, they are students are turning in lifestyle pattern in reform their relations. to maintain the posi- full of that idea and
overcoming with their into machines as going this adolescent period. Due to continuous tion of their nation in just leave every other
new-age technology to schools and colleges The young generation overpopulation and World view. idea alone. This is the
and upheaving life- is replaced with online wants reassurance on overexploitation of re- way to success.”
style. The youth today classes which increas- them, they want peo- sources, the job scopes - Swami Vivekanan-
needs to be motivat- es the screen-timing ple to trust them for are decreasing day by da
Biswakobi Rabindranath’s inclusion into the politics at the time
most needed
- by a staff reporter
obel Laureate the “Bongo-Bhongo” glar mati, Banglar jol' travels, he formed a vi- English system of edu- by Gandhi.
N abindranath movements that began while the poet with his sion of East-West unity. cation. Rabindranath played
Tagore expressed the in many parts of Bengal family members went According to Amartya Tagore opposed imperi- a key role in resolving
presence of the Brit- to resist Lord Curzon’s to take a S en, alism and supported In- a Gandhi–Ambedkar
ish administration as a declaration to divide dip in the Ta g o - dian nationalists, these dispute involving sep-
"political symptom of the province among Ganga and re re- views were first revealed arate electorates for
our social disease". Hindus and Muslims, w o m e n belled in “Manast”, which was untouchables, thereby
Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore from roof- against mostly composed in mooting at least one
(1861–1941) was not was a key part of the tops and strong- his twenties. He also of Gandhi’s fasts “unto
a political thinker in movement both politi- balconies ly na- shunned the Swadeshi death”.
the strict sense of the cally and ideologically. blew conch Source: Google t i on - movement, denouncing Tagore renounced his
term. A literary figure On October 16, Par- shells. Later alist forms it in his acrid September Knighthood title in re-
having a profound in- tition Day, Rabin- the poet went of the inde- 1925 essay “The Cult of sponse to the Jallian-
terest in the spheres of dranath provided a to the neighbourhood pendence movement, the Charkha”. wala Bagh massacre in
music, painting, poet- noble gesture of pro- mosque to embrace the and he wanted to assert Tagore even wrote 1919. The first non-Eu-
ry, and related branch- test: He decided to ob- maulvis and tie threads India's right to be inde- songs, lionizing the ropean as well as the
es of literary creations. serve 'Rakshabandhan', on them too. He en- pendent without deny- Indian independence lyricist to win the Nobel
His social and political where everyone would couraged Hindu and ing the importance of movement. Two of Tag- Prize in Literature had
thoughts appeared to tie a rakhi on each oth- Muslim women to tie what India could learn ore’s more politically his political and social
be the product of his er's wrist to symbolize a Rakhi on men from from abroad. Through, charged compositions, views very clear and is
insightful grasp of the Bengal's unity. A great the other community his writings in "Shikshar “Chitto Jetha Bhayshun- marked as an opinion-
burning issues of his crowd took to the street and make them their Her Fer" and "Shikshar yo” and “Ekla Chalo Re” ated entity upon the
times. around Jorashanko brothers. Bahar" he thoroughly gained mass appeal, history of Indian poli-
In 1905, at the start of singing his song 'Ban- During his extensive criticized the colonial with the latter favoured tics.