Page 8 - The Endeavour
P. 8
Puzzles 8
Puzzles 8
Movie Trivia Crossword Hour
-by Sreejit Bhattacharjee - by a staff reporter
1. Pather Panachali was originally derived from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
which story ? Across 12 13 14 15
Ans: ________________. 1. Boyfriend 16 17 18
2. What was first Indian Film ? 5. Still, briefly
Ans: ________________. 8. Taunt 19 20 21
3.Which was Satyajit Ray's first color film based 12. Chief Norse god
on his original screenplay ? 13. Adler in Sherlock 22 23 24 25
Ans: ________________. Holmes fiction 26 27 28
4."Dada ami bachte chai " is a famous dialogue 15. "I got this, boss"
from which movie ? 16. __Khalifa: Dubai 29 30 31
Ans: ________________. structure that's the 32 33 34 35 36 37
5.Satyajit Ray's "Charulata" is based on a book World's tallest
written by which famous perosnality? 17. Apple throwaways 38 39 40 41
Ans: ________________. 18. Bout enders, briefly 42 43
6.What was the name of the character played by 19. Julie Andrews Os-
Aishwariya Rai Bachan in 'Chokher Bali '? car-winning role 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Ans: ________________. 22. Crimson Tide nick-
7.Soumitra Chatterjee won which honorary name 52 53 54
award for the film Ashani Sanket directed by 23. Hightail it, old- 55 56 57 58
Satyajit Ray? style
Ans: ________________. 24. Caps for Highland- 59 60 61
8.Guru Dutts Sahib , Bibi aur Gulam was adapt- ers 62 63 64
ed from a Bengali novel of the same name . 26. Character who
Who is the author ? sings "When You Wish Answers:
Ans: ________________. Upon a Star"
9.Which was the first Bengali Talkie film? 29. By oneself B E A U T H O G I B E
Ans: ________________. 30. Garden clippers O D I N I R E N E O N I T
10.In 1932, Rabindranath Tagore made a film. 32. "Best in Show" ac-
What was the name of that film? tor Willard B U R J C O R E S T K O S
Ans: ________________. 33. Pack animals M A R Y P O P P I N S
11.Chabi Biswas played the role of a zamindar 37. "Shucks!"
in Jalshaghar .On whose story was the film 38. Approved, briefly B A M A H I E T A M S
made ? 39. Part ways J I M I N Y C R I C K E T
Ans: ________________. 41. Operative
12.What was the original name of Uttam Ku- 42. Emma Peel's part- S O L E L Y S H E A R S
mar? ner on "The Avengers" F R E D M U L E S D R A T
Ans: ________________. 44. Luminance
13.Which was the first film with of the famous 47. Towing org. O K D S P L I T U P S P Y
pair of ,"Uttam Suchitra"? 48. Twiggy abodes J O H N S T E E D
Ans: ________________. 52. Clothing store de-
14.Tapan Sinha's ,"Golpo Holeo Shotti" was re- partment S H E E N A A A N E S T S
made in Hindi by Hrishikesh Mukherjee. What 54. Justice Gorsuch's
was the name of the Hindi Film? predecessor W O M E N S S C A L I A
Ans: ________________. 55. With "The ," Netflix U M B R E L L A A C A D E M Y
15.Who wrote the story of ," Goopy Gyne Bagha title superhero team..
Byne?" and a hint to some- N E E T O Y S H O P W E S
Ans: ________________. thing associated with G R R S E E S A W S S R O
16.What is the name of the character played by 19-, 26- and 42- Across
Harindranath Chattyopadhyay in the famous 59. Born, in bios part 39. Shakespeare's 50. It may set off a
movie ,"Sonar Kella"? 60. Santa's eleves' 11. Sci-fi beings 150+ beeper
Ans: ________________. workplace 40. Ballpoint covers 51. Right to decide
17.Who made the first silent feature film in 61. "The Grand Buda- 13. Bone-chilling Boobird's
India ? pest Hotel" director 14. Sixth sense: Abbr 42. Kaput, as a bat- 53. Gin fizz flavor
Ans: ________________. Anderson 20. Amtrak track tery 54. Garbage boat
18.Who was the first Indian woman producer 62. Dog's warning 21. Something to 56. Caustic cleanser
and director in Indian Cinema? 63. Up-and-down rides scratch 44. Took a cut, in 57. Pack animal
Ans: ________________. 64. Sign at a hot show 22. One-named Ice- baseball 58. "Bingo!"
19.Who is known as the "Father of Indian Cin- Down: landic singer 45. Baseball dinger
ema"? 1. Hope with jokes 25. Watch fastener 46. Glowing leftover
Ans: ________________. 2. School URL letters 27. Female folklore 49. Oodies
20. What was the First Color film in India? 3. Sent by plane deity
Ans: ________________. 4. Removed stuck pa- 28. Put into circula- scramble:
per from tion, as stamps 1. omrdbeo 2. omviilgnor
5. Prize on the man- 29. Bay Area airport 3. hoatrmbo 4. hsde
DadaSaheb Phalke. 20.Kisan Kanya
tel code 5. lalh 6. artcree
17.Dada Saheb Phalke. 18 . Fatima Begum. 19.
6. Like many a rescue 31. Messy dorm
chi. 15.Upendra Kishor Ray. 16. Sidhu Jyatha .
7. Sale limit, briefly room, say 7. lnaboyc 8. eshou
mar Chatterjee. 13.Sare Chuattor . 14. Bawar-
8. Prepared to skin- 34. Arm bone 9. agtceot 10. ordo
11. Tara shankar Bandyopadhyay. 12 . Arun Ku-
ny-dip 35. __Cuddy, Dean of
. 8.Bimal Mitra. 9.Dena Paona. 10.Natir Puja.
9. Fountain pen mis- Medicine on "House" 9. cottage; and, 10. door.
dranath Tagore. 6.Binodini. 7.Dadasaheb Phalke
haps 36. "At last" singer 5. hall; 6. terrace; 7. balcony; 8. house;
Kanchenjunga. 4. Meghe Dhaka Tara. 5.Rabin-
10. eharmony profile James 1. bedroom; 2. living room; 3. bathroom; 4. shed; Answers:
1. Aam Antir Bhepu. 2. Raja Harishchandra. 3.