Page 10 - The Endeavour
P. 10

Tourism                                                                                                                           10
         Tourism                               10

         Darjeeling tourism - a historical overview                                                      DOOARS-THE GEM OF

                                                                                        -Sartaj Nasrin   NORTh BENGAL
             ourism has come  ists for a joy ride on  Company. It has sub- Secondly, tourism in                                      - by a staff reporter
         Tto occupy a ma-        its toy train run by the  sequently undergone  the Darjeeling Himala-        he  extensive  tea  aries and national parks
         jor  slot  in  the  econo-  Darjeeling Himalayas  considerable function- ya can be studied from   Tgardens,  the  bold  lie in this region. Manas
         my of Darjeeling hill  railways that has been  al evolution so that it  the viewpoint of settle-  mountains and the rap- National Park, Jaldapa-
         areas. Darjeeling the  awarded with world  now serves an almost  ment geography. From            id river comprises the  ra National Park, Buxa
         "queen  of the hills"                                                   a very small centre with
         where nature has kept                                                   a single purpose func-
         her doors wide open                                                     tion as a health sanato-
         have lately become                                                      rium, it has developed
         major attraction to                                                     into a multi-functional
         tourists   worldwide.                                                   type of settlement with
         The hills are abound-                                                   a series of inter related
         ing in a variety of flo-                                                activities with over-                Source: Drishtant Gope
         ra and fauna from the             Source: Sreejit Bhattacharjee         lapping    hinterlands.
         alpine to the tropical.                                                 Thirdly, the changing    beauty of Dooars.       Tiger reserve, Goru-
         Darjeeling and near-    heritage status by UN-  entirely Indian clien- functions of this region   Located on the In- mara National Park,
         by hills offer immense  ESCO. Some call it a  tele. This evolution  possess nationalisation      do-Bhutan border, it at- Chapramari   Wildlife
         opportunities     for   paradise for shopping  may be regarded from  and the complex pro-        tracts tourists through-
         trekking, rock climb-   and a kaleidoscope of  three vantage points.  cess of modernization.     out the calendar.       Sanctuary,   Chilapata
                                                                                                                                  Forests, Singalila Na-
         ing, mountain biking,  Indian, Chinese and  From the stand point  Three factors seem to          Dooars politically con- tional Park, Neora Val-
         hand gliding and the  Tibetan cultures and  of cultural ecology,  be of prime impor-             stitutes the plains of  ley  National  Park  and
         river Tista flowing  so, no tourist would  the hill station once  tance with regard to           Kalimpong district, the  Mahananda    Wildlife
         through the hills at-   miss the sunrise over  functioned as part of  the development of         whole of Jalpaiguri and   Sanctuary are located
         tracts the young and  the Mount Everest and  British colonial eco- Darjeeling as a British       AlipurDuar     district in this region and are of
         brave for  white water  the Kanchenjunga.       system. Owing to its  hill station, that is, po-  and the upper region  huge tourist interest.
         rafting and canoeing.  There are 134 spots to  cool temperatures and  litical considerations;    of Cooch Behar district  The climate being fa-
         Darjeeling popularly  be while on the tour.     its embodiment of an  height above sea level     in West Bengal and the  vourable, with cool
         known as the “Jewel in  The hill station evolved  upper-class   British and the chance factors   district of Kokrajhar  winters,      moderate
         the crown of the East  from a high-altitude  lifestyle, the British  related to the personal     and Bongaigaon in the   summers and a good
         Himalayas" is dotted  settlement,    original-  perceived it as a neces- interests  of its found-  state of Assam.       monsoon every year,
         with world famous  ly established by the  sity of living in India,  ers. Travel and tour-        Along with the tea gar- the tourists are always
         tea gardens. The  hill  British India to serve  since   Independence, ism developed further      dens, rivers and moun- delighted to stay here
         town, though dogging  the needs of the civ-     however, it has become  with changes in the      tains, the forests too  and enjoy the beauty of
         water scarcity is being  il servants and sol-   an integral part of an  socio-economic envi-     add up to the beauty of  mother nature.
         frequented by tour-     diers of the East India  indigenous ecosystem.  ronment.                 the place. Many sanctu-

                                       Bhutan and it's heritage

                                                                                                                                     - Khushi Mansuri

              istory of Bhutan   Bhutan has  a rich  her impurities. Where  its heart. These shades,  the world, where you’ll  chicken stew flavoured
        Hin  its  history,  and robust sense of  happiness is measured.  these sides, these facets  encounter the cultural  with garlic, tomatoes,
         Bhutan has never been  heritage, culture and  If you’ve  lost your  are Bhutan’s cities. We  hub of Bhutan. Take a  onion, ginger, corian-
         colonised.    Located spirituality. Add de- smile – Bhutan will  begin with Paro – home  trip to Motihang Ta- der and yes, chillies.
         on the Silk Road be- licious cuisine and  find it. If your eye wan- to some of the oldest  kin Nature Preserve,  Another hearty stew
         tween Tibet, the Indi- heart-breaking beauty  ders, Bhutan will catch  Buddhist      monaster- where you’ll  meet the  to try is Phaksha Paa
         an subcontinent and  to the mix and you’ve                                                       Takin (Bhutan’s na- – slices of silky pork
         the rest of Southeast  got more than you can                                                     tional animal). On one  stir fried with chillies,
         Asia, Bhutan has al- ever  bargain for. So,                                                      of your hikes, you’ll  ginger and Bok Choy.
         ways been known as  why wait? Head to our                                                        encounter the nest- Soothe those tingling
         a Buddhist country.  Bhutan Holiday pack-                                                        ling grounds of Black- taste buds with Suja –
         It was first headed by  ages and book your                                                       necked cranes and see  Bhutanese butter tea
         Zhabdrung Rinpoche  visit to this  emerald                                                       the famous Gangtey  made from fermented
         and was governed as  kingdom.                                                                    Monastery. You can  yak butter, boiled with
         a theocracy (a system  Tourism of Bhutan                    Source: Khushi Mansuri               also visit Trongsa and  tea leaves and milk.
         of government, where  Cut down the noise,                                                        Bumthang and Phuent- For all you vegetarians,
         priests rule in the name  slow down the rush.  it. If your soul is hun- ies and temples. Paro  sholing – all of which  Zow Shungo made
         of God). After a Civil  Add a splash of green  gry, Bhutan will feed it.  district also boasts of  bloom with Bhutanese  from veggies and red
         War in the 19th cen- and a dash of chil- So, why not plan your  Bhutan’s only interna- stories, beautiful views  rice will soothe and fill
         tury, the country was  lies. Dig out every  next trip to this gor- tional airport. When  of the mountains and  your tummies. Anoth-
         reunited and struck up  known shade of green  geous country? It’s  in Paro, do as the other  glorious monasteries.       er great option is Jaju
         a relationship with the  in your paint box. Let  close to us, its serene  tourists do and make a  Cuisine Of Bhutan      Soup – a creamy dish
         British Empire. Bhu- the mountains rise  and every element of  trip to the iconic Paro  Spice, spice and more  made with local spin-
         tan also forged stabled  high. Slip a mask on  Bhutan Tourism will  Taksang monastery –  spice – this is the guid- ach or turnips in milk
         relationships with In- and dance.  Let the  charm and delight. So  commonly known as  ing principle of Bhu- and butter. You can
         dia and a troubled one  flags flutter outside  today, let’s take a small  the Tiger’s Nest Mon- tan’s delicious cuisine.  also indulge in some
         with China. In 2008,  the monastery. This  step outside our bor- astery. Perched, 900  This is  most obvious  plump momos, stuffed
         Bhutan went from an  country is a jumble of  ders after all, a king- metres high on a cliff,  in the world-famous  with minced pork,
         absolute monarchy to  impressions. A me- dom awaits.                    this is a hard trek, but  Ema Datshi – a stew  beef, chicken or cheese.
         a constitutional mon- lange of sight, sound  Cities In Bhutan           the rewards at the end  made with chillies and  For a crispy snack, pick
         archy, when it held its  and taste. It’s where  Think of Bhutan as an  are worth it. Next, is  cheese. If you’ve got  up a helping of Khatem
         first election for the  time stretches out like  emerald – it glitters, it’s  Thimphu – the capital  the taste buds to han- – crispy rings of gourd
         National Assembly of  a contented cat. Where  green and it has many  city. This is the fourth  dle that spice, then try  fried in butter.
         Bhutan.                 the air shakes off all  facets, many shades at  highest capital city in  Jasha Maroo  – diced
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