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Fitness 5
Fitness 5
- by Santanu Das it’s Tips
ecent studies Moreover, it makes the accumulated in the weight. Physical ac- - by a staff reporter
Rhave shown some body more energetic, body for a long peri- tivities like sports and
alarming facts about which in turn helps us od of time, then it be- exercises are required eeping your brain dence, well-being, and
physical fitness among to carry out our daily comes difficult to get to keep the body fit, Kin shape satisfaction to a higher
today’s teens. Most of chores without get- rid of that excessive fat be mentally healthy, Physical fitness gets level.
them spend at least 30 ting fatigued. It also and lose weight. It is get rid of depression plenty of attention, Try something differ-
hours in a week, just contributes towards also likely, that over- and frustration, and and for good reason. A ent
wat c hin g keeping our mind weight teenagers improve one’s healthy body can pre- New experiences can
TV and healthy, fresh, may grow up s e lf-e s - vent conditions such also set you on the path
to mental fitness. You
eat- •A good and free from to be obese t e em. as heart disease and di- can fit new approach-
ing mix of fun and plea- stress-related ad u l ts. •Some indoor and S o m e abetes. Mental fitness
sure are swimming, cy- problems. Y o u n g outdoor sports like soc- teens means keeping your es into your daily life
cling, skiing, trampoline, etc. cer, hockey etc. involve a lot m a y brain and emotional in a variety of ways:
•Even a brisk walk for 30 min- Exercises for Teenagers of group activity which allows n o t health in tip-top shape. try new foods; try new
utes or a jogging session of 15- them some scope to spend time l i k e It doesn’t mean training ways to accomplish
to get
20 minutes in the morn- In order to a du lt s with friends and keeps them i n t o for “brain Olympics” routine tasks; travel to
high- ings, is good enough. keep ourselves with a physically active as well. t h e or acing an IQ test. It new places; take a new
way to work or the gro-
fat con- physically fit, we heavy body rigors of refers to a series of ex- cery store.
ercises that help you:
tent snacks. need physical ex- are more prone physical train- Play games
Nearly fifty percent of ercise, a balanced diet, to diabetes, heart ail- ing. However, it is not slow down; decompress; Games that test rea-
the teens and young and proper rest. Today ments, and arthritis, essential to do rigorous boost a flagging memo- soning and other por-
adults, do not do any most teens lack physi- etc. Keeping them- sessions of strenactivi- ry. tions of your brain are
sort of physical activ- cal activity, which re- selves physically fit will ty every day is enough Mind-body connec-
ity on a regular basis. sults in slowing down help them look attract- to stay fit. They may tion fun ways to keep your
mind sharp. Consider
Teenage girls are more of their metabolic ive, feel good about prefer to enjoy aerobic It’s no surprise that the
inactive than the boys. processes. As a result, themselves, and enable exercises, which have more you help your these games: cross-
word puzzles; board
As teenagers grow up, obesity among them them to work smart- a lot of variety and are body, the more you help games; sudoku. In ad-
many of them even is increasing at a rap- ly. Physical activity is fun to do. Any activi- your mind. Physical ac-
tend to avoid partici- id rate. When they important for build- ty chosen for physical tivity increases the flow dition to video games,
pating in physical ed- gain a lot of weight, it ing and maintenance exercise must lead to of oxygen to your brain. try any game that em-
ucation class in their can affect them, both of healthy muscles, hard breathing and It also increases the ploys the use of: logic;
schools. physically and psy- bones, and joints. It good sweating. Bene- number of endorphins, reasoning; trivia.
Read more
Physical fitness for chologically. They may helps in making the fits of physical exercise the “feel-good” chemi- Reading is great for
teenagers is important find it difficult to move body more flexible and can be obtained, if they cals, in your brain. your brain. Even as
as it keeps their body around, run or play in increases the strength are practiced regularly. Benefits of mental fit-
free from illness. It en- a free manner like oth- and endurance of the Care should be taken ness you’re reading this
ables the organs of the er young people. This muscles. It also re- that the exercises are When you go to bed sentence, your brain is
processing each word,
body, like the heart, makes them mentally duces unwanted body not overdone, as that after a long day, your recalling the meaning
lungs, and muscles, depressed and frustrat- fat and helps to keep can cause injury and body begins to relax. instantly. Beyond the
to function efficiently. ed. If the fat remains a check on the body weakening of bones. But the mind doesn’t mechanics, reading
always follow. Visualiza-
Tips and Tricks to keep your pet active at Home tion can help. You can helps you visualize the
-Abhisek Roy often achieve a sense of subject matter on the
pages before you, and
Since Covid-19 arrived, a good time to get started. humans. Once you start bungalow or an apart- imagery, the process imagine what voices
our pets have been stuck Shaking hands is an easy playing this game, any ment, this activity is a of picturing a tranquil sound like in the writ-
ten dialogue. This can
indoors with us. But hav- way to start. You can also rag, any mat, or toy can perfect form of exercise scene or location. This also be a great relax-
ing fun inside the house get your pet to perform turn into a game of tug. It for you and your dogs. practice can reduce ten- ation technique.
should not be interrupt- more impressive tasks will help them to be more Dogs love to catch any sion in both your body Take the time
ed. This is the best time l i k e confi- ball thrown at them. and your mind by chal-
to take care of your pet's jump- dent, Throw it up on the stair- lenging neurons in the Mental fitness doesn’t
have to take up a lot of
fitness. It happens that i n g play- case and let them get it less-dominant area of your time. Spending a
your pet runs around the through f u l , back for you. This will your brain. few minutes on it every
house in a fit of craze, so hoops, a n d really get them super ac- Stop multitasking day can help you feel
to speak, and then col- chasing obe- tive and they will get tired You may think that mul- better and think more
lapses on their bellies to bubbles, dient. and thirsty all at once, so titasking enables you to clearly. Try adding one
take a breather. This is a or shak- Hide- keep fresh and clean wa- get more things done or two activities at a
sign that you need to be ing to and- ter ready. at once, but it actually time to your mental
more involved in mak- mu sic Source: Google seek: But these activities will creates more problems workout, such as: re-
ing their day more active. with a You can not only keep your pet than it solves. Focusing
There are a few tricks to little pa- t ra in fit and happy but get on one task at a time laxing; visualizing; af-
firming; memory exer-
get their activity levels up tience. your dog to play in this you moving about too! will improve your con- cises; game-playing.
and keep them physical- Obedience and men- game by awarding them Though we warn pets centration and help you The takeaway
ly fit at home. tal games: This activity with a little treat when about not breaking things to be more productive. Mental fitness is im-
Simple training com- could not seem like ex- they find you. As mun- on the house. Your dog Be positive with your- portant to maintaining
mands like Come, Sit, ercise at the onset, but dane as the game may may get very excited and self your brain and your
Heel, Down can be practicing recall, retriev- sound, it's a good way to run right through your Positive affirmation is body healthy, especial-
taught to your dog while ing, and reinforcing basic get a little activity within favorite coffee mug. Take one avenue to increased ly as you age. There are
at home. commands offers mental your home, while also care of them and your mental proficiency. Af- many types of mental
Old dogs can learn new stimulation, as well as ex- training your dog to be essentials too. Make the firmation, or talking to
tricks: If you have not ercise. You can also teach more curious and outgo- most of this lockdown yourself in a positive dexterity exercises, and
you don’t need to go to
had the time to train your dog fun new tricks. ing by playing it. and unleash your creative way, involves strength- the gym to do them.
your dog to perform var- Dogs love to play the Play ‘throw ball’ over the side and grow your bond ening neural pathways
ious tricks till now, this is game of tug with their staircase: If you live in a with your pet. to bring your self-confi-