Page 6 - The Endeavour
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Reviews                                                                                                                              6
          Reviews                                 6

         Friends: a show that never                      Prosenjit and Ritupar-                           Book Review: The Alche-

         fails to bring a smile on its                   na- starrer ‘Praktan’                            mist by Paulo Coelho
         audience’s face                                 turns five                                                                 -by a staff reporter
                                    - by a staff reporter                           - by a staff reporter  “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true
             t’s about love, rela-  edented popularity has    ouseful    shows,  thorough train journey             that makes life interesting.”    
        “Itionships, careers,  endured over two-and-     Hover whelming  of the ‘once togeth-                      -Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
         a time in your life when  a-half decades.       footfall at theatres and  er couple’. The Cine-        ritten by Brazil-  people like, the crys-
         everything’s possible.  The story of six pals   social media posts and  matography by, Gopi      Wian author Pau-        tal merchant, an En-
         And it’s about friend- navigating their way     messages had signalled  Bhagat was an eye treat   lo Coelho in 1988. “The   glishman,  Fatima,  the
         ship because when  through the ups and          the Praktan sweep at  for the viewers as the     Alchemist” was first    Alchemist etc. He also
         you’re single and in the  downs of relationships                                                 released by Rocco, an   faces a lot of difficulty
         city, your friends are  and their  respective                                                    obscure Brazilian pub-  which ultimately helps
         your family.” — The de- careers in the 1990s,                                                    lishing house. It is an   him  to  grow  the en-
         scriptor used                       s t r u c k                                                  international bestseller   tire way. Does he find
         by the writ-                        a   chord                                                    and has been trans-     the treasures in the
         ers to pitch                        w i t h                                                      lated  to  more  than  70   Pyramids  of  Egypt?
         Friends   to                        Gen     X                                                    languages. The book is   The Alchemist is a
         NBC. A little                       and mil-                                                     relatively short having   fantastic book and the
         more    than                        lenni a l                                                    around 167 pages only.   storytelling is beau-
         25 years ago,                       v ie wers                                                    The theme is about      tiful. The choice of
         when    Ra-                         growing                      Source: Google                  finding one’s destiny or   words is  impeccable,
         chel Green, a    Source: Google     up at that                                                   purpose in life. Coelho   full of wisdom and
         runaway bride,                    time,   but   cinemas in 2016. The  use of drone and var-      wrote “The Alchemist”   philosophy. The  story
         barged into a Cafe      Friends is a rare TV    film (directed by Nan-  ious scenic places of    in only two weeks.       is very enchanting and
         named Central Perk  show— and yet much          dita Roy and Shibopro-  Kolkata with its sur-    The story is about a    bursts with optimism
         in her wedding dress,  more than a TV show      sad Mukhopadhyay)  roundings,          grabbed   Shepherd boy from       which  I  think  is very
         looking for her high  — that attracts viewer-   saw many landmark  huge  attention.  The         Spain whose name is     important in our lives.
         school friend Monica  ship across generations.   moments, one of them  musical pieces of An-     Santiago. He keeps get-  The  book emphasizes
         Geller, only to eventual- The strong bond of all   being Prosenjit Chat-  upam Roy tied the      ting the same dream     on the importance of
         ly move in with her and  the six characters and   terjee and Rituparna  emotions of the view-    about treasures that are   faith, hope and spiritu-
         set off a six-pronged  crew members both        Sengupta coming to-     ers with the storyline   lying in the Pyramids   ality through the story
         tale of friendship, few  on-and-off set was     gether on screen after  of the movie.            of Egypt. He embarks    of  an  ordinary  boy.  I
         could have predicted  seen again after ages     15 years. “The film also  Praktan has now be-    on a journey to follow   think this book appeals
         that Friends would not  on the much-anticipat-  opened a new chapter,  come the biggest ever     his dream after meet-   to everyone because
         only play out for 10  ed Reunion episode.       in terms of box-office  Bengali-film    release  ing an old king who of-  we all have dreams and
         years and over 236 ep- With, Rachel, Monica,    collections,” Prosenjit  breaking many earlier   fers him magic stones   sometimes, we  just
         isodes, but also become  Phoebe, Ross, Joey and   told. As Praktan turned  records of the film in-  and advice. The book   want someone to tell
         one  of the  most  suc- Chandler, aged up after   five on this 2021, Shi-  dustry. It also received   details his journey and   us that they may come
         cessful sitcoms in tele- 25years of the comple-  boprosad went down  the  International  Film    the various encoun-     true. Overall, “The Al-
         vision  history. Today,  tion of the series sitting   his memory lane. The  Business  Award  2016   ters that he experienc-  chemist” is a very ex-
         the show has become  together  and discuss-     basic notion of the film  for becoming the High-  es when following his   citing fiction novel and
         a global pop-culture  ing their life on set,    was within the flash-   est Grossing Movie of    dream.    Throughout    it deserves a space at
         phenomenon     whose    brought tears to eyes’   back scenes of a back-  the Year – Bengal.      the journey, Santia-    everyone’s bookshelf.
         relevance and unprec- of their fans.            ground story and the                             go meets many new

            Nayak: One of Styajit Ray’s accomplishments in the world of movies
                                                                                                                                     -by a staff reporter
             he movie Nayak  place of conscience. He  and smart wit, run- gance and intelligence,  nation, Aditi walks up  is a romantic at heart
         Tor The Hero, com- had already expressed  ning back and forth  exuding a calm confi- to Arindam Mukher- in one scene, he is re-
         posed, written and di- an eagerness to reach  thanks to flashbacks  dence that catches the  jee to say goodbye, and  pentant and frustrated
         rected by Satyajit Ray.  a  wider    audience,                                                   tears up the sheets of  in another — all within
         With Nayak, Satyajit  and here he begins to                                                      paper in which she had  the span of one film.
         Ray goes to the heart of  stitch  glamor and in-                                                 recorded her interview  A careful watching of
         the question — who is  trospection    together                                                   with the hero. When  the film, and a little
         truly happy? — turning  into something at once                                                   Arindam      Mukher- reflection would make
         the question around  soul-searching       and                                                    jee asks her why did  us realise that perhaps
         on its head, and asking  fast-moving.                                                            she do that, and if she  the most inconsequen-
         instead: what, in fact, is  A superstar from the                                                 knew the interview by  tial characters of the
         true happiness?         movies gets on a train                                                   heart, she replies by  film are the ones who
         For Ray, after a series of  and sees his life un-                                                saying — ‘I’ll…keep it  are truly happy, which
         films widely acclaimed  ravel through giving                    Source: Google                   in my heart.’           could, in turn, proba-
         across the world—and  an interview to a jour-                                                    Then there  is Uttam  bly make us wonder —
         as different as possi- nalist and taking a tour  and dream sequences,  star’s attention, be- Kumar. Bengal’s great- have we been looking
         ble from the madcap  back to his memories.  and taking its time to  cause he is normally  est superstar plays  for happiness in all the
         escapism and song- The Satyajit Ray clas- denude the protagonist  used to see the obliged  Bengal’s greatest su- wrong places all this
         and-dance     routines sic made in 1966, star- of his external garb of  faces of fans and sy- perstar in Satyajit Ray’s  while?
         of    Bollywood—The ring Uttam Kumar and  casual          indifference, cophants     crowding Nayak. He smiles and  Nayak is a film that is
         Hero was a chance to  Sharmila Tagore is a  Nayak is perhaps the  around him. In one  cries, he is frightened  so rich, so deep and
         meditate on the na- psychological drama  best example of one  of the most poignant  and begs for his life,  yet,  told  in  such  sim-
         ture of role-playing,  with all the character- of Satyajit Ray’s  many  scenes of the film,  he is vindictive and  ple language that per-
         to reflect on the costs  istics of a Ray master- cinematic skills — his  one which is studied  ruthless, he is a king  haps it would not be a
         of make-believe, and  piece.                    mastery over the nar- by film enthusiasts all  and a wretch, ambi- mistake to claim that
         to address perhaps the  Told in free style,  rative.                    over the world today,  tious in the beginning  it featured among the
         dominant theme of  punctuated with the  Sharmila Tagore plays  when the train is about  and hopeless when he  best works of Satyajit
         his middle period, the  occasional    humour Aditi with grace, ele- to reach its final desti- has achieved it all, he  Ray’s illustrious career.
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