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Sports 11
Olympics' 21 Messi's first ever international accolade with copa win
- by a staff reporter - Debopriyo Das
n what can be called Angel Di Maria’s goal tina, has mentioned
Javelin thrower Ia monumental day stood as the difference. on multiple occasions something has kept that’s what football
on pushing him away does to you. It’s not
Neeraj Chopra wins in the history of foot- Ederson to make it 1-0, that this team is ready from it every time. about where you live
first-ever Olympic ball, Lionel Messi has a score-line that stood Maybe this is exact- or which dialect you
gold medal in ath- ly what he lacked. speak. It’s about where
letics for India finally led Argentina to its ground till the very A team full of play- you feel you belong.
their first international end of the stipulated
Neeraj Chopra , the trophy in 28 years, his 90 minutes. But Brazil ers who wanted it as While many people
23-year-old won the first in his already il- did give in everything much as he did. Top tend to give all of us
javelin throw final at lustrious career. they had. Bringing on Goal scorer, Most a stern look when we
Tokyo Olympics with Argentina faced the the likes of Firmino Assists, Player of The stay up for odd hours to
a best throw of 87.58 host sand title favour- and Vinicius Jr. in the Source: Google Tournament. He did watch a game, wake up
metres. Neeraj's gold ites, Brazil in the finals second half and quite it all. The scenes at early in the morning to
is also India's first at the Maracana sta- essentially operating to give up their lives if fulltime were enough watch games for teams
Olympic medal in dium in Rio de Jane- with just one defensive warranted for Messi. to make any football located thousands of
Athletics since 1900 rio and it was always midfielder for the vast Lionel Messi has won viewer shed a tear or miles away from where
Games. " I wasn't meant to be a tough majority of the sec- every thing there is to two. The wide smile we are based, for peo-
thinking about.... battle. In a game that ond-half, they hurled be won and his sheer on Messi’s face, the ple who aren’t even
gold. I wanted to do truly kept its worth as everything towards Ar- numbers are just some- way he was felicitat- aware of our existence.
something special to- a South American fi- gentina. Emi Martinez, thing made of dreams. ed by his teammates, But again, that’s what
day", he stated after nal, marked by repeat- the saviour between He has been there, he the celebrations, ev- football does to you.
his win. ed fouls and stoppages, the sticks for Argen- has performed, but ery second of it and
Azzurrian victory in EURO 2021 olympics' 21
- by a staff reporter
When Italy and En- es the game in a more were scored in the shootout. In the sum- to net goal in the pen- P.V. Sindhu bags
gland take to the pitch measured manner, match, and hence the mit clash, Italy defeat- alty shootout as En- bronze at Tokyo,
for the European seeking control across game had to progress ed hosts England 3-2 gland faced defeat at becomes 1st Indian
Championship (Euro the pitch. On on penalties. This the hands of Italy on woman to win mul-
2020) final, the tactical the other hand, was the first-ev- Sunday. tiple Olympic med-
battle will be under- Mancini's Italy er time England In the penalty als.
lined by the philoso- has been flying had made it to shootout, Italy edged
phy of the respective in attack, a not the finals of the out England 3-2 and Bajrang Punia wins
bronze as India bag
managers, Roberto so common sight European Cham- as a result, Italy won 2nd medal in wres-
Mancini and Gareth for an Italian pionships. their second Euro ti-
Southgate. According team in tourna- The normal tle. Gareth Southgate, tling at Tokyo Olym-
to UEFA’s statistics, ment football. 90-minute ac- the head coach of En-
Italy has put together After England tion had finished gland, has said the Boxer Lovlina Bor-
318 attacking moves to got off to a flying at 1-1 and even Three Lions' failure in gohain wins bronze
England’s 256. Italy has start, Leonardo Source: Google extra time was the penalty shootouts medal as India bag
racked up 108 shots Bonucci got the not able to break in the Euro Cup final 3rd medal at Tokyo
in six matches to En- equaliser for Ita- to extra time. The extra the deadlock, sending "totally rests" with him Olympics
gland’s 58 attempts, 20 ly as he netted the ball time was also not able the match into a pen- as he was the one who
of them coming in the into the goalpost in the to separate the two alty shootout. Marcus decided who was going
semi-final win against 67th minute, bring- teams, and hence the Rashford, Jadon San- to take, he kicks on the
Denmark. Southgate’s ing the scoreline level game progressed to the cho, and Bukayo Saka basis of training.
England approach- at 1-1. No more goals much-dreaded penalty all missed the chance
Backdrop of Wimbledon Championship
-by a staff reporter
imbledon is a ers have in the Rank- so prestigious. It is or- bit Virginia Wade was With this win, he has
Wvery popular ing ATP. During the ganized by the 'All En- the last winner, in 1977. equalled his total ma- 23-year-old wrestler
championship in the first weeks of matches gland Lawn Tennis and The most important jor men’s singles titles Ravi Dahiya wins
world of the sports. the participants play tennists have passed record with Roger Fed- silver as India bas
This competition is one to classify into the for this tournament, erer and Rafael Nadal, 5th medal at Tokyo
of the four Grand Slam eighth finals, and for example players with each of them win- Olympics.
tennis tournaments during the second like the Spanish Rafa- ning 20 titles. Weightlifter Mira-
which also includes the one, to be the ones el Nadal, the Serbian 2.In women’s catego- bai won silver in
Australian Open, the who competes in the Novak Djokovic, the ry, Ashleigh Barty of 49kg event, India's
French Open and the final. The tournament Swiss Roger Federer, Australia beat Karolina 1st medal at Tokyo
US Open. Wimbledon closes with 5 different Source: Google the North American Pliskova (Czech Re- Olpympics
tennis championship is finals: male individ- Venus and Serena public), 6-3, 6-7 (4/7),
the only one of its cat- ual, female individual, Croquet Club' at United Williams sisters and 6-3, to win her first Discus thrower Ka-
egories that plays in a male doubles, female Kingdom. The longest more. This year 2021, Wimbledon women’s malpreet 1st Indian
grass court. Normally doubles and mixed match ever played has on its 134th edition, the singles title on July 10, woman to touch 64m
the championship lasts doubles. The winners been played on its court winners were: 2021. The 25-year-old at Olympics, reaches
two weeks, and always of the 2018 edition by the North Ameri- 1.In the men category, Barty is the first Aus- final becomes sixth.
starts six weeks before were Novak Djokovic, can John Isner and the Novak Djokovic defeat- tralian woman to win
the first Monday of au- Angelique Kerber and French Nicolas Mahut ed Matteo Berrettini in the Wimbledon singles Wrestler Deepak
gust, usually on June. others. on 2011. Andy Murray, the Wimbledon final, title in 41 years since Punia loses semi-fi-
A curious date is that Its first edition was on in 2013, was the first 6-7(4-7), 6-4, 6-4, 6-3, Evonne Goolagong, nal, to play for
this tournament does 1877, and is the oldest English winner since to win his sixth Wim- who claimed her sec- bronze at Tokyo
not have in account tennis championship, Fred Perry, in 1936 bledon title and 20th ond All England Club Olympics
the mark that the play- and because of that, it is and in the female am- Grand Slam trophy. title in 1980.