Page 3 - The Endeavour
P. 3

then & now                                                                                                                          3
           then & now                         3

           Netaji Subhas          Mohandas          Bhagat Singh          Jatindranath       Lala Lajpat Rai       Khudiram          Bal Gangadhar
           Chandra Bose         Karamchand                                     Das                                     Bose               Tilak
           (23 Jan 1897 –          Gandhi          (28 Sep1907- 23      (7 Dec 1879 – 10     (28 Jan 1865 —       (3 Dec 1889 –      (3 Jul 1856 – 1
            18 Aug 1945)       (2 Oct1869 – 30        Mar 1931)             Sep 1915)         17 Nov 1928)        11 Aug 1908)          Aug 1920)
                                  Jan 1948)
            On the centenary year of                                                             Tips to celebrate independence day through Facebook:

                                                                                                   1. Hoist flags in your locality or terrace and go live to
                             satyajit ray                                                            share your experience with all your friends in your
                                                                                                     friends group.
                                                                                                     2. Do fund raisers and distribute the amount to
             orn: 2 May 1921,  great was Ray's art of  (Seemabaddha)- 1971                           treat the poor in independence day.

         BCalcutta,     Bengal work.                     •Sikkim  (documenta-                       3. During this pandemic period, small programs can
         Presidency, British In- •The Stranger (Agan-    ry) - 1971                              be arranged consisting of different cultural events done
         dia (now West Bengal,  tuk) - 1991              •Days and Nights in      by local children in facebook lives so that, people who are stuck at their
         India).                 •Branches of the Tree  the Forest (Aranyer       homes can entertain themselves through watching these programs.
         Parents: Sukumar Ray  (Shakha Proshakha) -  Din Ratri )- 1969            4. Videos consisting of toddlers always grab huge number of viewers.
         (father) and Suprabha  1990                     •The Adventures of       So, teaching toddlers, nationalist songs while putting them on video and
         Ray (mother).           •An Enemy of the Peo-   Goopy and Bagha          posting them on facebook might initiate conectivity among the friends
         Alma mater: Presiden-                    p l e  (Goopy Gyne Bagha        in Facebook, for that is its sole purpose.
         cy College (BA), Vis-                           Byne) - 1968
         va-Bharati Uni-                                   •The Zoo (Chiri-
         versity (MA)                                         yakhana) -1967
         Died: April                                            •The      Hero
         23, 1992                                                 (Nayak)     -
         (age 70)                                                  1966
         in Cal-                                                    •The Cow-
         c u t t a ,                                                ard    (Ka-
         W e s t                                                    purush) -                                        ----- “Took us 2 days to come        with
         Bengal,                                                    1965                                             a caption.......The best one we could
         India.                                                     • L o n e -                                      think of was...... Thank you,  God.”
                                                                    ly    Wife                                       Second                   pregnan-

         Thi s                                                      (Charula-                                        cy   news    of   Neha    Dhupia.
         year,  is                                                 ta) - 1964
         the 100th                                                •The Big City                                          Uploaded by, @nehadhupia
         birth   an-                                             (Mahanagar) -
         niversary of                                          1963
         Oscar-winning                                      •Kanchenjungha  -
         Satyajit Ray, the                               1962
         maestro of his art and                          •The       Expedition     “Eid Mubarak, May Allah -------
         an age revolving ge- (Gonosotru) -1989          (Abhijan) -1962           grant  everyone  peace,  pros-
         nius. On this occassion,  •The Home and the  •Rabindranath Tagore         perity       and       positivity
         while reminiscing over  World (Ghare Baire)  (documentary) - 1961         Inshallah hoping for better times
         his finest  works, we  -1985                    •The Goddess (Devi) -     for us all #staysafe #gratitude.”
         can watch Ray's mov- •Sadgati - 1981            1960                      Picture of Saif Ali Khan with his
         ies and cherish the pic- •In the kingdom of di-  •The World of Apu        children with his newest little boy.
         ture-perfect  scenics, amonds (Hirak Rajar  (Apur sangsar) -1959
         storylines, music and  Deshe) -1980             •The Music Room(Jal-      Uploaded by, @saraalikhan95
         the fantasy which is the  •The Elephant God  saghar) - 1958
         demarketion of every  (Joi Baba Felunath) -  •The        Philosopher's
         Ray movie. The stories  1979                    Stone (Parash Pathar)                                       ------  “I’m   super   excited   to
         depicted in his movies  •The Chess Players  -1958                                                           launch  ‘Care  Package’-  An  Au-
         were always unique  (Shantranj ke Khilari)  •The Unvan-
         and before-time which  - 1977                   quished(Aparajito)                                          dio-First  Festival   that   Cares!
                                                                                                                     This package, curated by me, is a
         people can relate to  •The Middleman (Jana  - 1956
         still now thus, staying  Aranya) - 1976         •Song of the Little                                         box full of conversations and perfor-
                                                                                                                     mances from thought leaders around
         all evergreen to the  •Distant Thunder(o-       Road (Pather Pancha-                                        the World that priortise ‘Care’.
         viewers.                shoni sanket) - 1973    li) - 1955.                                                 Join     me      on     Clubhouse!
         Watch the following  •The           Adversary
         movies to get a bet- (Pratidwandi)- 1972
         ter perspective of how  •Company      Limited                                                                Uploaded by @deepikapadukone
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