Page 16 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 16
1. Get Prepared
Be prepared for the competition as many
other people who are new to the
cannabis industry may be trying to do
the same thing as you. To stay ahead of
the pack, make sure you schedule as
many interviews as you can. Prepare for
the interviews as much as possible. Have
someone help you sharpen your
communication and interview skills, if
2. Conduct Research
To land a job in the cannabis industry, be
sure to conduct extensive research. Start
reading everything you can about the job 3. Learn The Industry
itself and the industry as well. Sign up as Many people start at an entry-level
a member on various website related to position such as a trimmer to get their foot
cannabis industry, read their blog and in the door of the marijuana industry if
sign up for their newsletter. Familiarize they don’t have formal training and
yourself with the writings of Jorge certification. They can then move into a
Cervantes and Ed Rosenthal, cannabis career as a cannabis grower or budtender.
experts and authors. Speak to Learn the lingo used in the cannabis
professionals in the industry, attend a industry so you can do your job better, if
conference, and network with people in and when you get hired. Try to find
the marijuana industry on social media. someone in the industry that you admire
and seek their help.