Page 13 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 13

Given  this  problem,  what  solution  would
                                                                you provide?
     Lastly,  choose  something  different  within
     the new role that you’re eager to improve                  Your  hiring  manager  may  well  present  you
     upon.                                                      with a certain scenario to test how well you’d
                                                                cope with a particular situation. They’ll want

     How  do  you  keep  up-to-date  with  the                  to analyse whether or not you’d make a good
     industry?                                                  fit for the company and the existing team of
                                                                people  that  work  there.  Being  able  to

     This is a crucial question for anyone in the               eloquently  describe  a  solution  to  a  role-
     ever-changing industry. Whether you scour                  specific  issue  not  only  gives  them  great
     websites  and  blogs  specific  to  your  role,            insight into your skills and character; it also
     engage in forums or subscribe to consumer                  enables them to picture how you’d progress
     magazines in your field, the hiring manager                within their company.
     will want to know how you stay abreast of                  If hired, what challenges do you foresee in
     all  the  current  and  future  trends,                    this role?
     challenges  and  potential  opportunities.
     Make  sure  you’re  clued  up  on  the                     This is a common question that can trip you
     essentials                                                 up if you aren’t prepared. It’s best answered
                                                                with  a  skill  that  is  currently  a  work  in
     Describe  a  time  when  you  were  able  to               progress  for  you.  Something  that  you  are
     improve upon an original ideas.                            continually  improving  upon,  or  an  area  of
     A common question for interviewers. Here,                  knowledge  that  you’ve  just  recently  started
     you  have  the  chance  to  prove  how  you                learning  more  about.  Perhaps  you’re  well
     improved upon a flawed design. Whether it                  versed  in  one  programming  language  and
     was  a  website,  an  application  or  even  a             less so in another, but due to your speed and
     side  project,  make  sure  you  mention  how              natural aptitude in abstract thinking and self-
     you  improved  usability  for  end  users  and             reliance,  you’ll  pick  up  the  latter  with
     employers alike to prove your competence                   accuracy and efficiency.
     and  reliability  to  your  potential  new
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