Page 9 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 9

ALL  our  seeds  are  sourced  from  the  BEST
       and  most  REPUTABLE  seed  banks  globally.                ✌✌        In addition to that, the medium
       Should  you  wish  to  germinate  in  a  legal            used in the early stages of growth, along
       manner, we will be unable to guarantee the                with watering habits, container drainage
       successful  germination  or  growth  of  your             etc  all  play  a  part  in  the  viability  of
       purchased seeds.                                          achieving  a  healthy  plant.  These  are
                                                                 elements that differ between growers and

       There  are  plenty  variables  that  come  into           in many cases are done incorrectly.
       play  when  germinating  seeds.  Growing
       cannabis is an ART and is not that easy.                  It is impossible for us to make guarantees
       ✌ ✌      We advise that you join PKS partner              on  seeds  when  all  these  variables  are  at
       group  The  South  African  Canna  and  Hemp              play,  as  we  cannot  cover  the  potential
       Growers  Society  (SACHGS)  on  GUIDANCE                  human       error     involved      in    both
       and on HOW to LEARN and GROW the most                     germination and growth.
       awesome Cannabis and Hemp. This platform
       is  for  YOU  to  LEARN  and  ENJOY,  So  when            If  we  encounter  a  case  where  multiple
       you are a novice first join then plant;)                  customers  experience  the  same  issue
                                                                 with a particular genetic, we will evaluate

       While bad seeds do exist in nature and will               that situation and deal with it accordingly
       occasionally  be  found  in  packs,  there  are  a        in order to correct the situation.
       number  of  potential  causes  for  seeds  not
       germinating or not growing as expected. In                Our  GOAL  is  to  give  our  customers  the
       vast majority of cases this is due to variables           BEST PRODUCT and QUALITY SERVICE!
       in  the  germination  process  or  the  growing
       environment.                                              Thank you - PKS Team

       The  process  of  germination  can  be  tricky,
       and  even  experienced  growers  can  fall
       victim  to  failed  germination  due  to  human
       error.  Everything  from  temperature  and
       humidity through to the pH of the water can
       influence the success of a germination.
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