Page 11 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 11


        You  may  wonder  how  to  get  a
        cannabis  job  in  South  Africa?  It  is
        easy, and the process is simple: just
        like any other job you have to apply.
        We  will  review  a  few  cannabis
        specialized  job  search  engines  and
        then tell you how to polish your CV
        for the cannabis industry.

        “The     use,     possession       and                            “Take    our    M&R      (medical     and
        cultivation of cannabis outside of a                              recreational) Cannabis Department as
        private  space,  or  by,  or  around,                             an example. Whilst not planned, it has
        underage  persons,  remains  illegal,”                            emerged  as  a  key  department  at
        says  Paul-Michael  Keichel,  Partner                             Schindlers  Attorneys.  If  cannabis
        at  Schindlers  Attorneys.  “The                                  legalisation  presents  an  opportunity
        caveat to this appears, however, to                               for  attorneys,  it  begs  the  question
        be  that  you  may  carry  concealed                              what  industry  it  would  not  present
        cannabis  in  public,  if  the  intention                         with  some  form  of  opportunity
        is  to  only  consume  it  in  a  private                         because of its legalisation.
        space, away from underage or non-
        consenting individuals.”                                          “Transport, courier services, injection

                                                                          moulding,       advertising,      fashion,
        “What we are seeing is that most of                               accountants,  medical,  textiles  and  so
        our  clients’  focus  has  been  on  the                          on, are now all in a position to exploit
        cultivation  and  commercialisation                               the  legalisation  of  cannabis  to  their
        of  cannabis  itself.  What  is  being                            benefit. I’m yet to think of an industry
        overlooked  are  the  secondary                                   that  will  not  be  able  to  benefit  from
        industries  that  will  emerge  or                                the  legalisation  of  cannabis.  Even
        benefit  from  the  legalisation  of                              Coca-Cola  has  found  a  way,”  says
        cannabis,” explains Maurice Crespi,                               Maurice.
        Partner at Schindlers Attorneys.
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