Page 14 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 14
We think they are cannabis friendly,
as there have been more than a few
cannabis jobs/ads over the past 2
years, there are some guidelines they
follow that do not allow all the
cannabis ads through, but the CBD
market on Gumtree is taking off, and
there are a few investment
opportunities and the occasional
dispensary job. As a local website that
has been existing for many years,
they will change with the times and
allow more and more cannabis
related jobs and products.
The site offers job listings from thousands
of websites, including job boards, staffing
What is Fiverr? firms, associations, and company career
Fiverr is a platform for freelancers pages. I remember the first time I saw a
(marketplace) where you can buy and cannabis related job on Indeed and since
sell services. At this point, it is one of the then there would be at least a few cannabis
world’s largest marketplaces for digital related jobs every month, mostly highly
services that has a database of over 3 skilled jobs like lab technicians or office
million gigs. Fiverr has been on the work. The yummy positions like grow
market since 2010. master and cannabis testers are a bit
There are definitely cannabis related harder to come by on this website, but
jobs, nothing phisical like bud tenders, maybe you can get your foot in the door at
but if you are good with a computer, and one of the bigger companies.
willing to work for your money Fiverr is
a way to earn money online. One thing we like about Indeed is the job
Originally, each gig cost $5; hence the company reviews that previous employees
name. In 2014, Fiverr removed the $5 make remarks on how they worked there,
price limit. As the marketplace so you can really get a feel for what is
continues to grow, the quality and important to the company. If you really are
quantity of gigs have exploded, and now looking for a cannabis job, then upload
you can find pretty much any digital your CV to Indeed and set a keyword
service there. search for Cannabis and you will receive
the latest job postings in your email.