Page 12 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 12
We were pleasantly surprised by this one,
Noodle box offers a whole range of services You’ll need a strong work ethic,
including career advice, academy for more communicative interpersonal skills
cannabis based learning, as well as they and facilitative mentoring skills for
have a very nice “employer portal” that optimum success, and in an
makes it super easy for employers to post industry where everything is
for new jobs. continually upgrading and changing
you’ll need to constantly refresh
Thousands of people visit NudleBox every and maintain a wealth of
month, giving you access to the best talent knowledge and aptitude.
in the cannabis industry. Interviewing for a job – requires the
same preparation and confidence as
any other.
They make it easy for people to apply As the old adage goes: fail to prepare,
directly for jobs from any device. prepare to fail. Amongst the classic
They are committed to continually interview questions about why you
growing their database of qualified want to work for that particular
cannabis industry employees, that company, there’ll be some trickier,
range of skill sets that vary from role-specific IT interview questions
entry level to executive-level ready and waiting. These will be asked
alongside technical questions about
We got these handy tips from your skills, education, tools and any
NudleBox we felt we had to share. certifications you’ve gained. We’ve
First impressions count, so prep with compiled a list of some of the most
our interview questions and answers frequent questions that might pop up
So you’ve found a great job within the into your job interview – and detailed
Cannabis sector that matches your how to answer them succinctly for the
skills and qualifications to a T. But best possible outcome.
where on earth do you begin with What interests you about this role?
prepping for the interview process? Spend some time researching the
Aside from answering all the usual position you’re going for and choose
questions, you’ll be expected to display two standout skills you’ll need that
some relevant and current skills, match with your own experience. Give
proving how you’ve used them in examples of when you applied those
previous role and how you want to skills in your previous role(s). Focus
advance in the field. less on how the job will help you
progress in your field, and more about
how your expertise will improve.
Always remember to link back to your
previous position to describe how
effectively you’ve administered these
skills in the past.