Page 4 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 4
Baked Baker
The conventional take is that the Big Either way, we can make the edibles
Cannabis takeover is inevitable. Just on the next page with THC or
like any other economy of scale, without. For Selling stuff like
eventually the industry would merge cookies and snacks we find that
and you’d have these 10,000-Hectare each town has their local hangouts,
farms growing generic and even the local grocery market might
sometimes lower-quality cannabis. be interested in buying your cookies
Is 2020 the year that you should get range if you have a good enough
involved in the cannabis industry? track record.
Where is the opportunity, and how Making money in food in South
should you go about breaking into the Africa if you do it right will always
space? be a sure way to fill many people’s
stomachs and your pockets.
These cannabis industry business
ideas will get you started thinking
about what it takes to become a
cannabis entrepreneur or join one of
the existing companies already doing
so. This edition of Daggabay Magazine
we really got you the latest
information about all things cannabis
and jobs. We know it's not yet legal to
sell THC infused products, like
edibles, but we all know that if
someone hits the munchies, they are
still looking for the snacks, so
supplying the stoners with none THC
infused munchies might be an idea
for the entrepreneurs out there.