Page 4 - Newsletter
P. 4

Inter-House events

        Our institution takes pride in fostering an environment of healthy competition. In that spirit, the four
           houses —Vayu, Agni, Jal and Prithvi — continuously challenge one another through myriad inter-
          house events to conquer the score board. If you’re looking to know more about these versatile and
                                 intriguing activities along with the houses’ positions, you’re in the right place!

                                                 HOUSE LEAGUE BOARD

                   Vayu                      Agni                        Jal                      Prithvi

                115 100                                             125 135


                                                                                     9th of October, 2020 witnessed the
                                                                                   young participants of Classes 1 and 2
                                                                               confidently exhibiting their eloquent skills
                                                                                         on a virtual platform. Each one
                                                                                    mesmerized the audience with their
                                                                               outstanding performances giving a tough
                                                                                time to the panel of esteemed judges to
                                                                                     make a decision. The poems on the
                                                                                    themes care for nature, peace, save
                                                                                       animals and celebration kept the
                                                                                          audience glued to the screen.
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