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A word with our alumni

                      Manav kanoi

    Why UCLA?
    Firstly, what does an education in
    liberal arts do for you? I'd say it makes                                           Akshat goyal
    you think in ways which you had
    thought you were incapable of
    thinking in. It teaches you things which
    are very relevant to your life while also
    preparing you to pursue a career in                                   What is your advice for those prepping for CLAT?
    your major (these are essentially the                  For all those who are preparing for CLAT or any other competitive exam, there are two things you
    skills employers in every field are                    need to wrap your head around from the get go. Firstly, what matters is your relative performance
                                                            compared to your fellow aspirants and not your absolute grades. Secondly, only with regular and
    searching for). Specifically at UCLA,                constant hard work will you be able to achieve your goal. Law is not as boisterous as you might see in
    you'll get to interact with students                      movies and shows like Boston legal or Suits. That being said, I do personally feel it's extremely
    from the largest and one of the most                 engaging and a noble endeavor. Preparing for an examination like CLAT requires the ability of being
    selective applicant pools in the US. At                magnanimous to yourself in the face of failure. Believing in yourself and not giving up is the prime
    the same time, you'll receive                          necessity. Also starting your preparations from an early stage, say class 11 or 12 always helps. Set
    opportunities to study or do research                realistic goals for yourself and commit to the constant grind. One thing I can tell you for certain is that
    under the guidance of faculty                         keeping a calm head in the face of adversity and making the required sacrifices will go a long way in
    members, such as Andrea Ghez and                                                                      ensuring your success.
    Terence Tao, who are Nobel
    Laureates/Fields Medalists and the   Vanshvardhan Chomal
    best in their fields. Moreover, UCLA is
    located in Westwood, the heart of LA,
    and has one of the most vibrant
    student communities in the world. This   In what ways do you think being a student of LSA gave you an edge
    gives you the freedom to experience   over other candidates?
    the most fascinating student life while   The best part about being a student at LSA is the support and cooperation offered to us by the teachers.
    simultaneously focusing on academics.   My teachers always confided in my ability to balance my curricular and co curricular activities. They never
    Finally, for those who are wary about   restricted me from actively taking part in all fields despite having great academic pressure. The freedom
    the reputation of their college, UCLA is   to explore helps in personality development. While being a humanities student, I was never discouraged
    ranked the #1 Public University in the   from participating in commerce fests or trials for the Space Settlement Design Competition. Our
    Nation by US News and World     teachers are very adjusting and allow students to manage work outside and within school by being
                                    flexible with deadlines. Also, we are offered a simplified process to get LORs and predictives which
                                    greatly supplement the application process.
                                                                                           AARUSHI SUREKA

                    Aman Himatsingka
                                                                    According to you, which parameters are essential for
                                                                    identifying a college that will be a good fit for you?
                                                                    A very common misconception that people have, is that you must go to a college
           What advice do you have for students wanting to get into Ashoka?  that is ‘ranked’ better than others, but I believe that you should choose a college that
         Ashoka is one of the few universities in the country which follows the liberal arts pattern of   is a good fit for you. Your intended major also changes a lot of things. Undoubtedly,
         education, making it a great option for those who would like to experiment with different   a well reputed college does help in internships. Factors like the college size, class
         subjects or even study multiple subjects. What really sets apart the learning experience at   size, and communities on campus are important in terms of the college. Your ability
         Ashoka, is the stellar faculty comprising of some of the greatest academics of the country.   to pay also decides a lot of factors like whether you go to a private or a public
         Since the university follows a holistic admission process, you will be required to write   college/ what kind of state you live in (states like NYC are very expensive). It's not
         essays, give an aptitude test, prepare for an interview, and furnish details of your extra-  necessary that you will be happy in a college that is ‘ranked’ very highly, so invest in a
         curricular activities. Remember that the admissions team is trying to get to know you   college that is well ranked but also matches other choices. Factors like how big the
         through your application. So make sure to put forward your story and unique potentialities   city is, if it’s a metropolitan, the weather, etc. may also be major parameters.
         through your essays, extra-curriculars and interviews.
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