Page 11 - Newsletter
P. 11

The first five minutes you spend trying to do  us feel in the initial minutes. Once we delve
                               a task may not feel very significant in terms  into a task with the intention of only
                               of the work you get done, but they actually   investing negligible time in it, we aren’t
                               are the most important five minutes of the    forced to think of its repercussions and
                               time you put into the activity. Most of us    gradually develop a positive sentiment
                               regularly procrastinate because we are afraid  towards it. This progress motivates us and
                               that even the most minimal tasks will take up  that further ensures our success. As our
                               considerable amount of time. This rule helps  exams near, this could prove to be one of the
                               us  overcome    the   fear   of  beginning    most effective ways to help students prepare
                               something as it frees us to decide the course  thoroughly.
                               of the activity depending upon how it made
                                                                                              -Krisha Sureka,  XI-B

                 What students require in schools today is not just  students understand themselves, their emotions,
                 academic lessons. We need a schooling system  and mental duress, while teaching them how to
                 that helps students understand themselves, their  build healthy and functional relationships as well
                 emotions, and mental duress, while teaching   as develop resilience and team spirit. Nowadays,
                 them how to build healthy and functional      even companies consider not only a student’s
                 relationships as well as develop resilience and  overall academic performance but also their
                 team spirit. Nowadays, even companies consider  holistic development while recruiting for various
                 not   only  a   student’s  overall  academic  jobs. What students require in schools today is
                 performance but also their holistic development  not just academic lessons. We need a schooling
                 while recruiting for various jobs. What students  system  that  helps  students  understand
                 require in schools today is not just academic  themselves, their emotions, and mental duress,
                 lessons. We need a schooling system that helps  while teaching them how to build healthy

                                                                                           -Harshita Saraf,  X-B
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