Page 13 - Newsletter
P. 13

a collection of novel emotions and experiences

                                                            A LESS LEARNT I IN THE LOCKDOWN

                                              Life teaches you through experiences and each day offers you a new
                                             experience. Once you learn to handle the situation arising from these
                                            experiences, that’s a new beginning. From waking up in the morning till
                                           hitting the bed at night, I could never find time to even realise what it takes
                                           to make a day fulfilling for me.Coming from a family with both my parents
                                               working, though I learnt to take care of my personal basic needs, I
                                            completely ignored the household chores as they were taken care by the
                                            different house helps. But with the coronavirus pandemic around, for the
                                              safety of all, following the lockdown norms, the house helps stopped
                                            coming. Initially I didn’t realise how hard is this affecting my parents as I
                                            never knew the jobs and the pain that goes into it. Day after day passed, I
                         DURGA PUJA          realised my mother used to suffer backaches almost every day. I could
                                               barely help her by giving a glass of water or by warming food in the
                -Prisha Sinha, XI D          microwave. Then, it was my father who had a conversation with me to
                                            share how it is important for everyone in the family to help. According to
                                            him, there is no such work made for only woman or a man. We should do
                                            everything ,whatever comes our way. That was the day, I started to try….
                                               I tried mopping the floor as it was a job done with water and always
                                            seemed fascinating to me. But when I did it personally ,I realised the pain
                                           that one gets and how your hand refuses to move…then on a serious note, I
                                            started feeling more for my mother….leaving all the fun, I stared helping-
                                             out even in brooming too. Now when I look back , I remember the day
                                             when I was made to understand what I should do and today when I see
                                                     myself , as a person who can wash clothes in washing
                                           machine and lay table for a sumptuous meal . I have learnt a lot during the
                                            lockdown . And not to forget a thing of utmost importance, my bond with
                                           my parents. My parents who were mostly busy were now available at home
                                            . I could have my lunch and dinner with them. Especially while helping in
                                            the various house jobs, I used to chat with them for hours, and each day I
                                                felt, I know them even more.All this was a new beginning for me
                         DURGA PUJA          towards being a selfdependent person and a loving child. And yes, my
          -Sakshi Madhogaria, XI-D                           mom’s backache is better now!
                                                                                             -SAMARTH RAMAN, VIII-B
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