Page 10 - Newsletter
P. 10

Gandhi Jayanti

       A long river of satyagrahis had set out on
       the Dandi March from the Sabarmati           On the 2   nd  of October, the world celebrated the 151        st
       Ashram on 12th March 1930, all clad in    birth anniversaries of perhaps one of the greatest patriots
       pristine white khadi. And, as always,
       Gandhiji was at the forefront, leading and                        to have ever lived.
       emboldening his followers with every step.  Gandhiji’s ideals bear immense significance even today. The current stress on
       Thousands had thronged to listen to him  Make in India echoes Gandhiji’s idea of Swadeshi, which he popularized by
       wherever he stopped, internalizing his idea  spinning khadi and advocating the development of indigenous industries. His
       of Satyagraha (insistence on/holding on to  efforts to bring all Indians together under the umbrella of the Indian National
       truth) and pledging to agitate for freedom  Congress by promoting secularism and condemning casteism are stirring as
       in a nonviolent yet resolute fashion. The  well. Living in a world brimming with material pleasures, we would also do well
       emphasis on Ahimsa (nonviolence) over    to learn from Gandhiji’s austerity, which he maintained despite belonging to an
       brute force to fight the oppressors truly  affluent family, and from his concept of dignity of labour—‘You must teach the
       made Satyagraha a unique concept.        people to labour with their hands and realize the dignity of work’.

                                      T he Lakshmipat Singhania Academy Model United Nations Club

                                      The LSA Model United Nations club is a platform to learn how to debate, to learn about world
                                      politics and how to be a diplomat. This club has created skillful and unbeatable debaters in the
                                      past and will continue to do so in the future. The most extraordinary thing about this team is that
                                      there are no teachers involved! The peer-to-peer learning has proven to be extremely successful
                                      in teaching the students, as they feel a sense of comfort and ease when being taught by their
                                      seniors, who pass on their personal experiences to their successors.
                                      The Kolkata MUN circuit has extremely skilled participants who
                                      always take the trophy home. We are proud to say that our
                                      students, who have been trained in this very club, are also
                                      amongst these winners. Through weekly sessions, the students are
                                      taught the rules of diplomacy, the art of persuading people, and
                                      the skill of debating better than everybody else. Even during the
                                      pandemic, online sessions have continued. The club has weekly
                                      workshops, followed by simulations, so that the students can learn
                                      what to do and simultaneously apply it. The student review has
                                      been extremely positive, as can be seen by the number of awards
                                      that the members of this club win in every competition they go to.
                                      This club has created nothing but champions in the past 6 years.

                                      -Varenya Mehrotra,  X-B
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