Page 9 - Newsletter
P. 9

What we do for the society

                                    MUSKAN CHOUDHARY, xii                                       SHUBHAM AGARWAL, xi-a
                                                                         I am a part of a social initiative called “Samta", which is
                                   Black Polythene is a youth-led           a program by Gyandeepak NGO and Thinkerminds
                                   organization which aims to destroy the    foundation. It is a 6 month online teen mentorship
                                   stigma surrounding menstrual health.         fellowship where we are assigned a child from
                                   When buying sanitary napkins or other   Gyandeepak NGO and we have to act as their mentors
                                   forms of menstrual aid, women in our      for this period. We are tasked with becoming their
                                   country feel the need to cover them in   friends and helping them in their day to day lives. We
                                   black polyethene. This has led to these   get to teach them things we know and guide them
       SAMBHAVI DUGAR, Vi-c        polythene bags being associated with the   using our experience. We have to do a minimum of 2
                                                                             one on one sessions with our mentees every week.
                                   suppression of a process as natural as
       From the past one month, I   menstruation. By naming ourselves Black                   SHUBHAM AGARWAL, xi-a
       have been teaching English   Polythene, we wish to create an opposite
       alphabets along with two –  effect, thereby bringing the pressing issue   FUNLINE is a community service organization
       letter words to my domestic   of menstrual freedom and hygiene to the   started by six school going students, who wanted
       helper’s granddaughter. Due   forefront. So far, we have raised enough   to lend their hand for helping the underprivileged.
       to the lockdown, she has    funds for about 1.5 lakh pads through    I was one of the volunteers at funline-pens down
       been staying with  us since   endeavours such as workshop week and    event , we had a vocabulary enriching workshop
       the local trains are not    merchandise sales, and several           with many fun learning activities for kids aged 5-
       running.  She is a 7 year old   distribution projects are underway to   10. It was a wonderful experience, interacting with
       girl  and is curious to learn.                                      those kids , making them play games, do activities
       Her curiosity to learn      make sure they reach the right people. A   and seeing them enjoy. With the funds collected
       motivates me to teach her.  team of around 30 volunteers regularly        from this and the previous and the 2 future
                                   helps us with our tasks. Moreover, a      workshops ,Stationery items will be bought and
                                   chapter of our organisation has been set   donated to the underprivileged children. Being a
                                   up in the United States of America with                part of it made me really happy.
                                   the same mission
                                   URVI MURMURIA, xi-C

                                   I served lunch to many small
                                   children in my locality. I felt
                                   very nice and I enjoyed
                                   feeding the needy children.
                                   My parents do so quite often
                                   and they have motivated me
                                   to do the same.
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