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IRiS ’20

                                          For the second year in a row, the city’s only psychology-based fest was hosted by
                                           the Psychology Department of Lakshmipat Singhania Academy on 16 October,
                                            2020. It went ahead using the online platform of Zoom. Seven engaging events
                                            were conducted as a part of this fest, with three of them being livestreamed on
                                                                                     the official YouTube channel as well.

      The opening ceremony started off the proceedings at 9:00am, and it emphasised on the focus of the hour – ‘Mental
      Health During A Pandemic’. Students and teachers are at the fore of a struggle to deal with the pandemic while
      handling their academic responsibilities as well.
      Let us find out a little more about the events we hosted this year!
      CATHARSIS                                                                    Luminary was an event where  the

                                             PROJECTION                         participants were required to play the
      Believing in the phrase “our creativity is the                            role of a counsellor to their respective
      essence of who we are”, the event catharsis                              subjects. It aimed at exploring the core
      aimed at bringing out the inner artist within   Projection was an event where the   elements of a psychologist, which are
      us. An illusive and impressionistic poem   participants were required to create a   communication and problem-solving.
      was sent to all the participants who then   film pertaining to the topic, Obsessive
      had to paint whatever came to their mind   Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  PSYCHOLOGIST’S PARLEY
      on reading it.
                         BLURB         CONFLICT CONVERSATION                  Discussion wherein each participant had
                                                                                    This event was in form of a Panel

        Blurb was an event designed to   Conflict Conversation was a practical   to represent a certain School of Thought
         explore the marketing skills of   simulation of the Freudian unconscious,   (Psychology) and deliberate on the
     he Innovation behind the name IRIS
            the participants keeping in   according to which the unconscious      topic, ‘Work from Home- Managing
         mind the ‘color and consumer’   human mind has three segments- the id,   unfamiliar work pressure and family life.’
          psychology in a bid to create   superego and ego. The participants had                    QUIZEPTION
            the best product possible.   to use their words in wits to reach an
                                       achievable solution, assuming the role of   Quizeption, an engaging mind sport, aimed at
                                       the aforementioned segments.
                                                                                testing students’ knowledge of psychology
                                                                                             through an interactive quiz.

        Iris is the ring-shaped  membrane  behind the cornea  of our eye  which
        helps regulate the amount of light that enters  our eye,  thus helping us
        to see  the world as it is. Iris is also the Greek goddess of the vibrant
        rainbow, which  encompasses  all shades  of the color spectrum. In a
        similar vein,  IRiS is a fest which seeks to push the inclusive nature of
        psychology forward, to acknowledge every  shade  of the wonderful
        rainbow of human  diversity, and to spread the message  of keeping one
        happy and joyful.
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