Page 12 - Newsletter
P. 12

looking at firsts

                          BEGUN AGAIN

        After 10 years, he was approached by his father
        Alarmed, he stepped back farther and farther.
        Not being used to talking to even his brother
        After the tragedy that befell his mother.

        His father said, gentle as a fawn,
        "Do not be afraid my son, it is time for a new dawn."
        Paralysed with shock, he didn’t reply,
        So he heard, "Son, her death is now long gone by."

        "Listen to me closely,                                                                MY FIRST VISIT TO A ZOO
        You see that garden, kept quite nicely?"                                                 Yug Agarwal, VI-B
        To this he said, "Mother’s garden looks pretty and gay,
        But somehow, different as if it's begun another day.
        Why is it so father?"                                                   MY FIRST TRIP TO HUNGARY
        His father said solemnly, "It’s begun afresh                 Did you know that fear drives us? If we weren’t anxious,
        And it’s time our lives too refresh .                        we would not be able to do half the things we did. Fear
                                                                    does two things, either it makes you stay in your comfort
        He says bright as the sun, "This will be                     zone or leave it. From all my experiences, I have learnt
        A new beginning for all of us to see,                        that one must use fear, to expand their comfort zone.
        I’ll love you as I should,                                   The first time I ventured out of India, all alone was for
        And I know you too would."                                    three long months to Hungary. I was intoxicated with
        They smiled at each other with tears brimming.               excitement to leave for Hungary. Suddenly, the elation
        The best part was this was only the beginning.              of leaving for an adventure dissipated while I was at the
                                                                         airport. That enthusiasm turned into fear and
        It was a new start, all for the better                        anticipation. While it was alright to be scared, at the
        Death had torn the couple apart                              same time all that I had been excited for vanished. All I
        but the tale of the father and son                           could I think about was what if something goes wrong.
        Was not so soon to be done                                   And anything could have gone wrong. But the minute I
        Although some time had been spent in vain,                  stepped out and I was greeted with warm hugs, love and
        But now their closure had been gained                       affection by the numerous people at the airport my fear
        And their love, once lost, had begun again.                   evaporated. All that was left was excitement, joy and
                                                                                  anticipation for the future
                                       -SAMPRITI BANERJEE, VIII-B                                   - RUSHIL KHAJANCHI, X11
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