Page 23 - RotF - Electrical Specification_Neat
P. 23
Version 2014-2
This specification is intended to be generic and is inclusive of technical information for all
potential parts of an Electrical Installation associated with multiple types of McDonalds
Restaurant project; in-store refurbishment, new build drive through, kitchen up-grades,
This document is to be used in conjunction with any particular specifications, design
documentation and scoping documents provided by the Project Manager.
The Electrical Contractor shall immediately notify the Project Manager of any conflict
arising between any of the Contract documents.
Where these general clauses conflict with other Contract clauses, unless otherwise
notified by the Project Manager the following general hierarchy is to be followed; main
Contract preliminaries take precedence over General MEP Preambles.
Where conflict arises between the Technical documents, unless otherwise notified by the
Project Manager the following general hierarchy is to be followed; Particular Specification
over Sample Drawings issued with the Tender pack.
1.2.1 Site Visit
The Electrical Contractor may, during the course of preparing his tender, request to visit a
site to assess the works and shall be deemed to have done so. By his own observations,
investigations and enquiries he is to make himself fully acquainted as to the nature,
extent and practicability of the works. No claim based upon want or lack of knowledge
which could be reasonably deemed to have been apparent from visiting the site prior to
tender shall be allowed.
1.2.2 Compliance with Regulations
The Electrical Contractor is to comply with all applicable statutory regulations and is to
notify all Authorities concerned in accordance with their individual requirements.
Provision is to be made in tenders for all costs in connection with any special measures
required by the Authorities concerned.
The whole of the works undertaken for this Contract are to be carried out in compliance
with this docume nt.
Where the requirements of this Specification are at variance with the regulations referred
to, the most stringent condition shall be deemed to apply, pending clarification by the
Project Manager.
McDonalds Restaurants Ltd