Page 114 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
P. 114


        REFEREEING                            utterly  hopeless,  Springer  arrived  out
                                              of  the  dressing  room  and  rescued  me.
                                              Despite this, a couple of years later when
        Paul Clinch                           I finished coaching, I was tempted back
                                              into it.
        The Joys of Refereeing
        or  How  to  Make  Friends  and  Influence   I  have  found  refereeing  to  be  both  an
        People                                enjoyable  and  taxing  duty.    I  use  the
                                              word “duty”  deliberately,  as  the  referee
        My  initial  refereeing  introduction  to   can often be the single biggest influence
        refereeing  was  a  traumatic  experience.     on  the  enjoyment  of  a  game  of  rugby.
        Lansdowne were playing Old Belvedere   It  is  a  duty  that  requires  concentration
        in a floodlit cup match and Donal Spring   throughout  the  entire  80  minutes,  as
        and  I  were  coaching.    The  match  was   a  single  significant  mistake  will  be
        being  refereed  by  a  very  nice  English   remembered  long  after  any  positive
        ref – Chris Lucky, or to be more precise,   aspects  one  may  have  brought  to  the
        Bruce  Deans  the  Kiwi  Belvo  scrumhalf   game.
        was  advising  him  what  decisions  he
        should make! Chris went down with an   So  “WHY?”  is  often  the  question  I  am
        injury  at  about  half  time,  and  Springer   asked  when  people  hear  that  I  am  a
        suggested I should ref.  One of my first   referee.    I  suppose  there  are  several
        decisions was to penalise a Lansdowne   reasons.
        player for not rolling away after he had
        placed  the  ball  post-tackle.    (He  shall   I  had  finished  as  coach  of  Lansdowne
        remain  nameless  but  is  the  incoming   FC in December 1997.  I felt I needed a
        president  of  Lansdowne!).  So  about  40   break  from  the  game.    However,  I  was
        minutes later, in the corridor of the Old   acutely aware of how quickly one loses
        Belvedere changing rooms I felt a long   touch  with  developments  in  the  game
        ginger shadow over me, and I heard the   (and  the  advent  of  professionalism  had
        words “That was never a f***ing penalty!”.   accelerated the speed of change), and I
        “How  on  earth  do  I  get  out  of  this?”,  I   felt that I should move quickly if I was to
        thought as I stood against the wall and   return to the game in any way.
        he  glowered  at  me!!  So,  I  explained
        my  reasoning  which  was  that  he  was   Refereeing  appealed  to  me  for  several
        obliged  to  roll  away  or  to  get  up  after   reasons (a thick neck and megalomania
        he was tackled but that wasn’t going to   are  two  that  some  of  my  peers  might
        satisfy him. Just as the situation looked   suggest!).

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