Page 116 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
P. 116
Founded in 1872 by Henry WD Dunlop
as the Irish Champion Athletic Club,
to be certain of getting everything right. I would like to compliment the referee’s Lansdowne Football Club is one of the
association sincerely for the work they do
2) The breakdown: It is not infrequent to to try to raise the standards of refereeing, oldest rugby clubs in Ireland as well
arrive at the breakdown just in time to and to try to ensure the consistency as one of the best-known wherever
hear somebody exclaiming and shouting of application of rules. I have been the game of rugby football is played.
on the far side (and blind side to you). to several meetings with excellent Steeped in the history of the game,
Has a foul act been carried out? Has presentations and workshops, which the Club’s home ground is Lansdowne
the ball come back legally or illegally have really highlighted areas of difficulty, Road, the Irish international stadium,
on the side you least expected it? Can and helped to provide answers and which is also the oldest international
you make a decision that you know to assistance. This is an area I was totally rugby ground in the world. With the
be correct even if you have missed the unaware of before I joined the ranks, and
vital moment? I recall seeing John West one which has impressed me greatly. construction of the Aviva Stadium, the
penalise a former Captain and Coach of Lansdowne FC clubhouse was rebuilt
Lansdowne and president of the Leinster Lest I be seen as an apologist for referees to a state of the art standard with two
branch (who shall remain nameless) for in general, I would like to state the available spaces suitable for all your
foul play at Donnybrook – an incident opposite here. We have all seen perfectly event needs. The Zurich Room is a
that the crowd in the stand all saw, but good matches ruined by incompetent fully functional conference space with
as Westy was the far side of the maul, he referees (and I have certainly one or the adjoining Members Bar perfect for
could not possibly have seen it. It takes two of these to my name), and worse
great confidence to make that sort of still, self-important referees. However, your social gatherings. An additional
decision, but of course Westy had that; he it takes a certain amount of courage to refurbishment took place in the Summer
also had great experience and authority; put oneself in the hot seat, and to have of 2018 ensuring Lansdowne FC is a
lastly, and importantly, he had reffed your decisions scrutinised through the venue is without rival.
Basher many times before! biased eyes of supporters, and to accept
the credit or censure that ensues.
Herein lies the secret, I think. It is Capacities
important to enjoy what you are doing, I would finish by encouraging anybody
and to make that obvious. Players, I who is involved with the game at present THE ZURICH ROOM
believe, respect somebody who tries to consider a career in refereeing. It is Gala Dinner 180-200
to help them play an enjoyable game. easy to get some experience while you Reception 300-350
Nobody seriously expects the ref to get it are still playing, and it is never too young
right every time, but consistency and clear to start (I was definitely too old to be Theatre style 220-230
communication on his part should go a starting out!).
long way to making the game enjoyable MEMBERS BAR
for players and spectators (not that there Find out more about refereeing: Reception 270-290
have been too many at the matches I
have been involved with) which is really
what the ref’s job is all about. PRESIDENT LOUNGE
Dinner 30
Sit down buffet (with trestles) 50
Boardroom meeting 30
01 6689300 or email
Conferences and Meetings
·Black-Tie Galas · BBQs
116 YEARBOOK 2020-2021 ·Family Celebrations
·Christmas Parties