Page 118 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
P. 118
LIVE STREAMING Most important – have you the bandwidth
available from your Broadband service provider
SPORTS to deliver out the stream from your ground/
Declan Goulding All in all, the introduction of cameras and
Libirel Communications streaming brings a new dimension. It is worth
considering the long-term strategy and look
An overnight success after twenty years in the at the possibility of installing a set-up suitable
making, livestreaming sports, over the internet, for all the teams in the club and not just the
has become both acceptable and widespread. higher levels. Engage the best assistance and
Every sport club can allow fans/viewers follow advice that you can find and plan thoroughly. The
their on-field action from anywhere on the globe, end result, the Club Live Stream has become a
using internet technology to bring pictures and welcome addition to those that have embraced
sound from the field of action to the viewers the challenge and it will be part and parcel of
phone, tablet, computer or connected TV. Given future Sports viewing.
the increased accessibility of broadband Internet
and mobile technologies, there are few barriers to Case Study – Lansdowne F.C.
streaming live. Viewers want to watch their club,
their team, wherever, whenever. Landsdowne FC. launched LFC TV, delivering a
visual package around their Saturday afternoon
For a sports club, once the decision is made to A.I.L. games. Previously, Libirel Communications
Stream Live, it is time to sit down and plan. There installed four PTZ Cameras (PTZ Optics) on the
are many options and the situation for each club four sides of the back pitch at Aviva Stadium.
is unique. What works for one may not for another. These cameras were connected to the Lansdowne
Before starting, a club should consider clubhouse via network (IP), and additionally via
coax to bring back a baseband video signal. The
Who is my audience? What are their expectations? club uses SportsCode Video Analysis software
Who can I get to help that has experience? supplied by Avenir Sports. The latest version
What equipment does the club already have? of Sportscode allows the analysis computer to
What other uses are there for the equipment? record four individual IP streams, for coding and
Can you share your resources with other clubs/ distribution to players and coaches.
Having installed a quality camera infrastructure
Getting Started and Broadband considerations for video analysis, Landsdowne decided to build
on this system and add the ability to Livestream
Starting off, a club may look and see what their home games.
equipment is available in the club/community
– a Handycam for pictures, a headset gets for Libirel took the approach to add sound and
commentary, a laptop for streaming and you are graphics to the existing camera video structure
ready for delivery to the web. enhancing viewer interest and attract a greater
118 YEARBOOK 2020-2021