Page 45 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 45


                                   BOOK REVIEW:

                                   ‘AIR LAW’ BY PJ SALAZAR

                                                                 By Pierre Naude, an aviation consultant
                                                                    with Norton Rose Fulbright attorneys

                                                                                work (part four) to the rather challenging
                                              Chapter four is devoted to the actual
                                             learning/ training process itself. This in-  exercise of becoming familiar with the legal

               he famous British aviator Sir   cludes the theoretical exams, the radiote-  requirements of drone flying. The regula-

         TGeorge Cayley summed up the        lephony course, practical flying, debriefing   tions are not easy to follow and implement

         potential of air transport as follows.  and the very important first solo flight. The   at times (particularly the commercial

           "The air is a navigable ocean that comes   commentary is primarily based on the CARS   component thereof) but the author makes

                                                                                every effort to facilitate matters. This
         to the threshold of every man’s door".   which form the backbone and cornerstone   approach is in fact evident throughout the

           Both air and aviation law had to keep   of practical air law in the country. This is   book and which makes for a better overall

         pace with rapid developments in this new   very useful in that the CARS can at times be   logical and sequential understanding of the

         arena of travel.                    somewhat daunting to interpret.    CARS specifically.

           Law can at times be rather intimidating   From Chapter six to chapter 13 the au-  The author provides a sensible, logical
         for many of us. Strange words, obscure   thor, a pilot himself, takes the reader from   and coherent understanding of air law and

         phrases and terminology coupled with   pre-take off to landing at end destination   his contribution should be welcomed and

         unknown concepts are often interwoven   with clarity and detail, explaining the prac-  embraced. Q

         which makes the understanding thereof   tical effect and relevance of the CARS along

         that more challenging.              the entire journey as it progresses.

           Air law is no exception. It is that body of   We are also introduced to certain aspects

         legal requirements, standards and criteria   of night flying and importantly, what to do in

         that dictate how, amongst others, pilots   the event of an accident. This is particularly

         of all ratings, should conduct themselves   helpful to students in the process of training

         whilst engaged in flying activities.  but also serves as a reminder to those more

           Other than the actual legislation (in-  experienced of what the law requires.

         cluding CARS and Cats) , there is very little   In keeping up with latest developments
         available in South Africa to assist pilots in   Salazar devotes the

         becoming familiar with the legal implica-  last section

         tions of flying.                    of his
           On the bookshelves is now a new publica-
         tion by JP Salazar, professor attached to the

         Law faculty at UCT. It is simply entitled " Air

         Law" and is aimed at providing assistance and
         guidance to both new and seasoned pilots.

           The author systematically starts in
         chapter two by reminding the reader
         what South African air law consists of - as

         opposed to aviation law which covers a far

         wider range of subjects such as Internation-

         al Conventions.
           He then proceeds to deal with the medi-
         cal requirements to be met by pilots.
                                                                                         CROSSWORD SOLUTION
             ACROSS                           26. QANTAS                        7. KOREAN
             2. MAIDEZ                        27. 15                            8. MACH
             5. 7700                          28. DOGFIGHT                      10. EMBRAER
             9. JOAN CHALMERS                 29. HANGARTALK                    11. CAPACITOR
             13. AVIOPHOBIA                   30. VARIOMETER                    12. DRAG
             15. ORANGE                                                         14. ONE
             17. RUNWAY                       DOWN                              16. FLAREPATH
             18. GEORGE                       1. NOEL WIEN                      20. TIRES FIRES
             19. WINDSHEAR                    3. AVGEEK                         23. UTC
             21. AIRBUS                       4. HOWARD HUGHES                  24. DITCH
             22. GROUNDSPEED                  6. 1/2PV S                        25. PC12NGX
                                              World Airnews | November / December 2020
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