Page 46 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 46
thiopian Airlines and the United
EStates have announced a part-
nership agreement that will enable the
nation’s flagship carrier to source locally
grown produce for the preparation of in-
flight meals for global passengers.
Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Tewolde
GebreMariam and US ambassador Michael
Raynor signed a memorandum of under-
standing in which the US Agency for Inter-
national Development (USAID) will provide
Ethiopian farmers and food producers tech-
nical assistance and access to financing in
order to ensure they are able to meet the
airlines’ standards of quality and volume to
serve its customers.
These business linkages will help farmers
and local agribusinesses reach new markets
and increase their revenue streams.
USAID support will help Ethiopian
Airlines identify local suppliers for the supply demands. “The partnership we are launching
list of catering materials the airline might “We deeply value our relationship with demonstrates what is achievable when
potentially require, as well as provide USAID and extend our appreciation to US- prominent businesses like Ethiopian Air-
support to farmer co-operative unions, AID for all the support. The new partner- lines invest in other Ethiopian businesses
youth groups, women groups and other ship consolidates our effort to continue and individuals, resulting in truly home-
local agriculture businesses to help them providing high-quality inflight meals to grown economic success that has the
meet production requirements. A US global passengers while intensifying our potential to be a model for other sectors,”
government loan facility also will expand effort in creating an enabling environment said Ambassador Raynor.
access to financing for local companies, for local farmers across the value chain. This partnership agreement will run
farmer co-operative unions, and others We would like to maintain our partnership through December 2022 and will help pave
to expand their operations as needed to with USAID on a range of spheres,” said the way for linkages and partnerships into
meet the Ethiopian Airlines quality and Tewolde GebreMariam. the future. Q
submitted to Parliament for approval in by the state and 41 percent offered to
the coming weeks. individuals and institutional investors.
Cairo-based EgyptAir currently operates This agreement never materialised due
gyptAir has been chosen as the scheduled passenger and freight ser- to a lack of agreement over key issues
Epreferred strategic partner in the vices to more than 75 destinations in the such as routes and tenure of the manage-
establishment of a new viable home- Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the ment contract.
based carrier for Ghana. Despite the impact of the COVID-19 Despite the devasting effects of the
The Cairo-based airline’s proposal was pandemic on the aviation sector, the Covid-19 pandemic the Africa region
considered along with Africa’s biggest government plans to facilitate the setting remains one of the areas with huge po-
airline, Ethiopian Airlines. up of a new home-based carrier. tential for aviation, given the current poor
A memorandum of understanding be- In an initial MoU signed with Ethiopi- air connectivity in the region.
tween the two parties is to be signed with an Airlines last year to be the strategic The Ghanaian government wishes to
the shareholders agreement expected to partner, the Egyptian government said leverage the facilitating role of aviation
be finalised in the coming days. ET could hold up to 49 percent stake. Of and position the country as an aviation
The agreement is also expected to be the remaining 10 percent is to be owned hub of the West African sub-region. Q
World Airnews | November / December 2020
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