Page 47 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
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thiopian Airlines and the United
EStates have announced a part- By Fred Bebington manager, safety, security
nership agreement that will enable the
nation’s flagship carrier to source locally and QA - Velvet Sky Airline
grown produce for the preparation of in-
Velvet Sky started operating in Febru-
flight meals for global passengers. ary 2011 and from “day one” Paul began
Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Tewolde moulding the members of “flight opera-
GebreMariam and US ambassador Michael lthough Paul and I attended the tions” into a team.
Raynor signed a memorandum of under- Asame school in Port Elizabeth,
standing in which the US Agency for Inter- I didn’t know him at that time, he was No matter what level of experience each
national Development (USAID) will provide one to two years ahead of me. It was only one had (or didn’t have), he treated every-
Ethiopian farmers and food producers tech- a good few years later when I met Paul, one the same way, always willing to give
nical assistance and access to financing in through aviation. advice, support and guidance.
order to ensure they are able to meet the After I retired from the insurance indus- Personally, working with Paul was not
airlines’ standards of quality and volume to try, I completed an aviation safety manage- a “learning curve” but a vertical line.
serve its customers. ment course; how Paul got to hear about it Although I had the qualifications for my
These business linkages will help farmers I don’t know, but out of the blue, I received positions, I did not have the practical airline
and local agribusinesses reach new markets a call from him and he asked me if I was in- experience and Paul was always available
and increase their revenue streams. terested in taking the position of flight safe- when I needed him and never made me
USAID support will help Ethiopian ty manager with a start-up airline, which he feel that I was being an “annoyance”.
Airlines identify local suppliers for the supply demands. “The partnership we are launching had been commissioned to establish. I know that the others in the team felt the
list of catering materials the airline might “We deeply value our relationship with demonstrates what is achievable when I immediately said “Yes” and that started same and that he helped shape the future
potentially require, as well as provide USAID and extend our appreciation to US- prominent businesses like Ethiopian Air- our association. For the next two years careers of a number of them.
support to farmer co-operative unions, AID for all the support. The new partner- lines invest in other Ethiopian businesses I was part of his planning team, which It was a sad day when Velvet Sky stopped
youth groups, women groups and other ship consolidates our effort to continue and individuals, resulting in truly home- prepared everything that was necessary for operating as the flight ops team, under
local agriculture businesses to help them providing high-quality inflight meals to grown economic success that has the the issuing of an airline operating certifi- Paul’s leadership, had becomes friends and
meet production requirements. A US global passengers while intensifying our potential to be a model for other sectors,” cate and licence. not just work colleagues.
government loan facility also will expand effort in creating an enabling environment said Ambassador Raynor. During the two years planning phase, To all of us, Paul, you were a great leader,
access to financing for local companies, for local farmers across the value chain. This partnership agreement will run at Paul’s suggestion, I completed a QA a great colleague, a great mentor and a
farmer co-operative unions, and others We would like to maintain our partnership through December 2022 and will help pave management course and was appointed QA great friend.
to expand their operations as needed to with USAID on a range of spheres,” said the way for linkages and partnerships into Manager as well. Thanks Paul. Q
meet the Ethiopian Airlines quality and Tewolde GebreMariam. the future. Q
EGYPTAIR By Mike Wright
FOR GHANA aul was a man who achieved
Pa great many things in his
life. I first met Paul as a young sailor
submitted to Parliament for approval in by the state and 41 percent offered to some 35 years ago when he sailed a
the coming weeks. individuals and institutional investors. 505 dinghy, keelboats and operated
Cairo-based EgyptAir currently operates This agreement never materialised due a mast making factory for a variety
gyptAir has been chosen as the scheduled passenger and freight ser- to a lack of agreement over key issues of sailing craft. Paul later moved
Epreferred strategic partner in the vices to more than 75 destinations in the such as routes and tenure of the manage- on to Nationwide Airlines where
establishment of a new viable home- Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the ment contract. he captained B737s and their 767.
based carrier for Ghana. Despite the impact of the COVID-19 Despite the devasting effects of the He then started Velvet Sky airlines
which operated 737 300s. Paul
The Cairo-based airline’s proposal was pandemic on the aviation sector, the Covid-19 pandemic the Africa region
considered along with Africa’s biggest government plans to facilitate the setting remains one of the areas with huge po- was always well respected by
airline, Ethiopian Airlines. up of a new home-based carrier. tential for aviation, given the current poor his colleagues and he taught the
A memorandum of understanding be- In an initial MoU signed with Ethiopi- air connectivity in the region. junior first officers in the airlines
tween the two parties is to be signed with an Airlines last year to be the strategic The Ghanaian government wishes to a great deal.
the shareholders agreement expected to partner, the Egyptian government said leverage the facilitating role of aviation Paul was a man who always had
be finalised in the coming days. ET could hold up to 49 percent stake. Of and position the country as an aviation time for a chat and he will be badly
The agreement is also expected to be the remaining 10 percent is to be owned hub of the West African sub-region. Q missed.Q Captain Paul Green at the Velvet Sky first flight day at KSIA
World Airnews | November / December 2020 World Airnews | November / December 2020
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