Page 49 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 49
aviation, my favourite world. reduction in the accident rate. This makes people in this environment
The rapid advancement in technology extremely resilient and innovative during
has created a new era in understanding
WAN. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR the human-machine dyad, and therefore times of crisis. We do not have an external
EXPERIENCE OF THE COVID-19 there is vast unchartered territory that locus of control and so that may at times
become frustrating, however, for the
CRISIS? would require further investigation. It is things that we can control and change,
an exciting field of research in aviation we will; so as to strengthen ourselves and
PN: The decision taken by most psychology. remain vigilant throughout this crisis.
governments around the world to close I am very certain that the aviation
international borders and lock-down WAN: WHAT WOULD BE YOUR industry will bounce back in an impressive
their respective countries, certainly came ADVICE OR GUIDANCE OFFERED demonstration of resilience. So right now,
as a surprise to me and many others. we need to keep our minds sharp and find
The reality of not flying for a long time TO PILOTS WHO FIND THEM- alternative passions while we wait out the
suddenly hit home, and airlines around SELVES RETRENCHED, UNDER storm. Q
the world may have had very little choice HUGE FINANCIAL
in terms of retrenching 1000s of employ- STRAIN AND SITTING
ees. Due to this scenario, I was unable to WITHOUT WORK?
return to South Africa for a long time, and
in fact have not been back to South Africa PN: Pilots have always been
since February this year. a very close professional
family. Specifically, in South
Africa where the flying
WAN: I UNDERSTAND THAT fraternity is not very large.
HUMAN FACTORS HAS BEEN A With this in mind, many
PARTICULAR AREA OF FOCUS? social media groups have
PLEASE TELL US MORE ABOUT popped up which enable
THIS SUBJECT. pilots who find themselves
in a difficult position to
easily reach out to their
PN: My post graduate studies (after my colleagues. Thus far it
honours degree) focused on aviation has been a very positive
psychology. Human Factors is a compo- experience, and in fact has
nent of aviation psychology and is also a brought many of us closer
critical element in crew resource man- to each other in solidarity. I
agement. The concept of human factors have daily interaction with
in aviation deals with various aspects these social groups on a
of human performance and the role of number of online platforms.
human beings within a very complex and I have personally witnessed
technologically advanced environment. immense support for pilots,
The subject is now at a mature stage cabin crew and technicians.
of development having been studied My advice has always been
since the early 1970s after a number of to keep a positive attitude
noteworthy human factors related aircraft and never forget the hard
accidents and incidents. The study of work that it took to get
human factors has led to a significant into the aviation industry.
World Airnews | November Extra 2020
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