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How to set up a new user

              on the PSUK website

 WHOLESALER   Ensuring all members of staff in the practice         We can also set the level of access this new

                                                                    user will have using the tick boxes under
              have their own log in details is an important
 DISPENSING DOCTORS   step in ensuring your data is secure.         User Access – these can be changed later
                                                                    if needed. Once all details have been added,
              By creating individual login details, you can
                                                                    click the red Create button and the user will
              manage who has access to what areas of
 DISCOUNT SCHEME  the portal, but it also gives you the ability to   be set up.
              remove users when they leave the business
              therefore reducing the risk of unauthorised
              access to your account.
              If a member of your team requires access
 Receive a discount on Accu-Chek Instant test   to the PSUK website, you can now set them

 strips and Accu-Chek FastClix lancets.   up with their own account in the Account/
              Member Dashboard.  You also have the ability
              to manage existing users.
 The Accu-Chek Instant system provides a simply   Once logged in and you have accessed the
 clear, simply connected blood glucose monitoring   Account/Member Dashboard, you have two
 experience for people with diabetes and their   options:  Add user or Manage users.
 healthcare professionals.

                                                                    Removing a user is also straight forward.
 Clearly see results on a large, backlit display                    Simply select the Manage users button to

 Gentle lancing that’s virtually pain free  with the   To add a user to the website, please click the   see a list of all Portal users, and click the
 Accu‑Chek FastClix finger pricker  Add user button and complete the Add a new   Deactivate button.
              user account form.
 Bluetooth® enabled connectivity allows seamless   If you have a main and branch account, there
 transfer of blood glucose results to the mySugr® app*
                 will be a drop-down box for you to select
                  which practice the user needs assigning to.
                     We advise that all users are set up
                       under your Main account, this way
                         they will have access to the
                           PSUK Ordering Portal.

             straight forward. Simply
 Instant Test Strips 50  £7.50  34%  £4.95  £2.55  select the Manage users
             button to see a list of all
 FastClix Lancets 204s  £5.90  18%  £4.84  £1.06  Portal users, and click
              the Deactivate button.
                 For any support on
                 managing users in
 For more information about the Discount Scheme and to request a call back   the portal, or if any of
 from your local representative, visit:   your team have issues  logging in, please
                 contact us via the
                 PSUK instant chat
              function on the website
 †The Accu‑Chek FastClix finger pricker is intended for patient self‑monitoring by an individual person only
 * The mySugr logbook is licensed for people with diabetes over the age of 16 years. The mySugr Bolus Calculator is licensed for people with diabetes over the age of 18 years.   homepage, or by calling
 1. Jendrike N et al. Pain sensation at Fingertips and Palm by using different Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems. Diabetes Technology Meeting. San Francisco, 5-7 November 2009.  the PSUK team on
 2. Prices valid as of January 2023 Drug Tariff and are subject to change.
                   01904 558360.
 © 2023 Roche Diabetes Care Limited. All rights reserved. | ACCU-CHEK, ACCU-CHEK INSTANT, ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX and MYSUGR are trademarks of Roche. All other trademarks or brand names are the
 property of their respective owners. | Roche Diabetes Care Limited. Charles Avenue, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9RY, UK. | Company Registration Number: 09055599. | January 2023 | BGM2023-
 UK&I-495 | For healthcare professional use only in the UK and Ireland. Not for distribution.  or call us on 01904 558 350  How to set up a new user on the PSUK website | PS Magazine   31
                                                                                                                 13/12/2024   15:39:00
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