Page 32 - P4304.1-V105_PS Magazine - Jan
P. 32
Mailbox Caroline Pond answers
some of your most
recent questions…
A. First you do not claim Personally
Q. Please can you help with
Administered items (PAs). A PA allowance
where we can locate a list
or VAT allowance is paid automatically on
of PAs that we can claim
all items which carry the PADM indicator in
each month?
the dm+d.
What you will need to do is identify the items you use as ‘personally
administered’ items in practice as these are the lines for which you cannot
claim back VAT through your VAT return. These will be lines such as
injectables, IUDs, ring pessaries etc.
I would recommend using your sales reports and search for the items you know
you use in practice and are as such ‘personally administered’. This is the report
that your finance team will require for the VAT return. These will not always be
tagged with the PADM indicator and as such the VAT is lost on these items.
Q. How are we supposed A. As in the question above, all items carrying
a PADM indicator in the dm+d will attract
to identify which items
are PAs with regard to 20% VAT allowance. You will see the VAT
attracting the PA VAT reflected in your drug statement.
allowance? The PADM indicator can be seen under the
prescribing information for the individual
pack of the product . No PADM indicator
then no VAT allowance even if the item was
administered in practice and the VAT is lost.
A. This is all to do with the Drug
Q. Why are our prescriptions for Tariff and which section of the Drug
Hypromellose 0.32% eye drops being
Tariff each item is listed in.
by returned by prescription services for
verification of what has been supplied
Hypromellose 0.3% eye drops are
but not when Hypromellose 0.3% eye
drops are prescribed? listed in Part 8 and 0.32% in Part 9.
32 PS Magazine | Customer mailbox Buy direct online at
13/12/2024 15:39:01
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