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The material is intended for UK healthcare professionals only and has been co-developed by Gedeon Richter and PSUK Prescribing
        information can be found on the following page.

        Benilexa  One Handed

        New MDS

        PSUK are delighted to announce a NEW and EXCLUSIVE MDS discount
        available to Dispensing Doctors on Benilexa 52MD.

        This new MDS ensures that dispensing practices can make a saving on the NHS
        cost and a increased profit vs comparable intauterine contraceptive devices.

        Product Description                    Benilexa            Gedeon Richter offer product
        Supplier                            Gedeon Richter         demonstrations, demonstration placebo
        Pip Code                               4195178             devices and support materials for both
                             Reimbursement                         healthcare professionals and patients.
        Drug Tariff Price:                      £71.00
                                                                   In addition to the discounts, Benelexa
        Clawback (at 11.18%)                    -£7.94
                                                                   will attract a 20% PA fee meaning
        Price after Clawback:                   £63.06             dispensing this product will generate
        +Dispensing Fee                          £2.26             a profit for the practice of £17.48
        +PA Admin Fee                           £12.61             once clawback has been taken into
        Total Reimbursed:                       £77.93
                            Cost to Surgery                        Please contact:
        PSUK Member MDS Rebate                 20.00%     to
                                                                   order any of these items/services.
        Nett Price (Incl. discount)             £56.80
        +VAT (@5%)                               £3.55

        Total Cost to Practice:                 £60.35
                            Profit to Surgery
        Total Reimbursement:                    £77.93
        Cost to Practice:                      (£60.35)

        Profit per dose:                        £17.58

        Order now                                                           or call:
        online at:                                                         01904 558 360

        Adverse events shou ld be reported. Reporting forms and information can be fo und at, or you can report via t he Yellow Card app which is available to
        download from the Apple App Store or Google Play St ore. Adverse events should also be reported to   UK--2300181
        Gedeon Richter (UK) Ltd on +44 (0) 207 604 8806 or by emai l to      October 2023
         or call us on 01904 558 350                                    MDS Terms Information | PS Magazine    9
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