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Legal status                                 Calculating costs
                              The first consideration is the legal         Determining the right price for
                              status of the product and whether            dispensary items involves a few key
                              it can be sold.                              steps:
                              •  Prescription-Only Medicines               1.  Wholesale Cost Analysis: Begin
                                  (POMs) – These items require                 by examining the wholesale cost
                                  prescriptions and cannot be sold.            of the product. If you’re splitting
                              •  Pharmacy Medicines (P) -                      a pack, calculate the cost for
                                  These can be sold without a                  the portion you’re selling. For
                                  prescription but must be sold                example, a box of five Mepore
                                  under the supervision of a                   Film dressings (15cm x 20cm) has
                                  pharmacist.                                  a cost price of £16.05, making
                                                                               each dressing £3.21.
                              •  General Sales List (GSL)
                                  Medicines – These can be sold            2.  Incorporating VAT: Unlike
                                  without the supervision of a                 prescription items, dispensary
                                  pharmacist.                                  sales are not VAT exempt. There
                                                                               are exceptions to this such as
                              Splitting packs                                  VAT relief for disabled and older

                              Generally, if you order an item in               people but currently VAT is 20%.
                              for a patient you expect them to                 To add this to the product price,
                              purchase the whole pack. However,                multiply the cost by 1.2. Therefore,
                              you may decide to split items                    each Mepore Film dressing would
                              and sell individually. This decision             cost £3.85 after VAT (£3.21 x 1.2).
                              hinges on several factors. Can the           3.  Setting a Margin: Establishing
                              remaining items be used for future               a margin is essential for
                              prescriptions or sales? For instance,            profitability. For example, setting
                              individual dressings are generally               up a 30% markup for each
                              versatile and can likely be sold to              Mepore Film dressing this would
                              other customers. On the other hand,              cost £5.05 (£3.85 x 1.3).
                              splitting Macrogol sachets might not         Many pharmacy systems can
                              be practical if the remainder risks          calculate the selling price of
                              expiring before it can be sold.              dispensary stock. Check with your
                              Expiry dates                                 provider to ensure that the mark-

                              It’s crucial to assess the expiry            up within the system includes a
                              date of products. Remember even              transaction cost that reflects the
                              dressings have expiry dates as the           time your team spends with the
                              product may no longer be sterile             customer. Setting the mark-up at
                                                                           your preferred margin ensures your
                                                                           pricing strategy aligns with your
                                                                           business goals.
                                                                           Future sales

                                                                           Prices fluctuate over time. Before
                                                                           selling an item again, verify its
                                                                           current cost. Products like dressings
                                                                           might sit on shelves for extended
                                                                           periods, and their prices could
                                                                           have increased since the last sale.
                                                                           Regularly updating your pricing
                                                                           ensures that your pharmacy remains
                                                                           competitive and profitable.


                                                                                                                 07/02/2025   11:52:46
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