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Reflections on
my first year as
Numark Chairman
By Harry McQuillan
As I mentioned in this month’s Early in my tenure, I was keen to
introduction, it is now just over establish a clear purpose for Numark
a year since I joined Numark as which led to the agreed position that
Chairman. As with all anniversaries,
it is a good time to reflect on the “Numark is the support organisation to
more than 5500 community pharmacies,
things that have made a lasting dedicated to enhancing their business
impression on me and on the things performance and the delivery of safe
that have been achieved over the effective pharmaceutical care.
last twelve months by the Numark
team. We maximise our scale to add value to
our pharmacy partners.”
I have been struck by the warmth
of welcome that has been extended 2024 also saw Numark launch its 12
to me by everyone in the Numark Principles for the Future Model of
team and across the wider PHOENIX Community Pharmacy Practice and
UK business. Coming into a new begin the debate on the evolution of
environment, after over seventeen the types of services and care the
years in a previous Chief Executive network can deliver from its estate
role, was a daunting experience, at the heart of our communities,
even for an “old stager” like me. Any close to where people live. This
niggling concerns about whether development gave Numark the
becoming Numark Chairman opportunity to speak to the four
was a good idea were quickly UK country Chief Pharmaceutical
extinguished by colleague UK Board Officers and I’m pleased to say our
members, the support team at principles were met with universal
Numark and my PHOENIX logistics support for our vision and its
partners responsible for getting the direction of travel. Of course, it goes
medicines to provide patient care without saying that an underpinning
to the populations we serve. That stable, predictable, and reliable
support and sense of belonging, funding package has to must be
that has been extended to me, is in place to give pharmacy owners
exactly what I see the entire Numark the confidence to invest in such a
team striving to deliver for you all as future. That sadly does not exist in
Numark members. I am committed all our constituent Numark member
to ensuring that welcome to, and the countries and is something I will
inclusiveness in, the Numark family be supporting the four contractor
continues this year. negotiating bodies to achieve.
07/02/2025 11:52:47
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