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June saw our International                   Overarching all of that was a
               Conference in Mykonos and from               renewed focus on communicating
               the experience and feedback from             with you as members and on
               members, it was a tremendous                 positioning Numark as the thought
               success. I would encourage you               leader for community pharmacy
               to consider attending the next               practice. The measures I have seen
               Conference, scheduled for 2025,              indicate that we have made a good
               as it is a great platform to meet            start to achieving this and I know
               colleague Numark members, our                we have a robust plan for 2025 to
               support team, partner suppliers and          further build upon this.
               participate in pharmacy specific             All of this has made me even more
               business sessions. We managed a              determined to champion Numark
               few social events that had everyone          membership and highlight to
               contributing to a fun and engaging           everyone the tremendous resource
               atmosphere – that’s a polite way of          our community pharmacy member
               saying we worked hard and played,            network is. I look forward to keeping
               almost, as hard.
                                                            you up to date on the planned 2025
               Last year saw the re-establishment           developments in future articles.
               and reinvigoration of our country
               specific Advisory Boards. I have
               found that these give Numark real
               insight into how our members view
               the offer we have and give us direct
               feedback on performance and areas
               you would like to see developed. It
               is important to me that Numark is
               and remains member focused and
               these Advisory Boards help deliver
               that. Hearing your feedback at
               these events has led to a revamp,
               with more to come, of NumarkNet,
               changes to the training platform
               and some innovative developments
               scheduled for later this year. I
               hope you agree this approach
               demonstrates our commitment
               to listen, design and deploy the
               solutions you require.


                                                                                                                 07/02/2025   11:52:49
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